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Teodora's Book Reviews: “Magicalamity” by Kate Saunders

I liked “Magicalamity” by Kate Saunders because it’s a fabulously funny story! The characters are off to a brand new adventure...
Tom is the main character. His parents are in danger! The boy must trust his life to three fairy godmothers... Two of them are hardened criminals and one falls out of the window when she tries to fly...
One of Tom’s remarks, “Can’t you hide me in the same place you hid my mother?”, shows his worry thoughts. He feels alone without his parents who are on a run, trying to be far away from some killer fairies... Sadly, the godmothers are always saying: “You’re not enough human for hiding with your mother!”
The fairy godmothers are ready for everything: “All right, I know my duty... I suppose I’ll help!” They know that Tom’s father is innocent, that he did not kill a Falconer... Of course, let’s not forget about the godmothers’ kindness: “I guess you’d like a cup of tea...”
When I read, “You ignored the godmother summons!”, I was feeling sad for Tom. The fairy godmothers were fighting in desperate moments (“Stop it! Stop fighting, all of you!” said Tom.")... When I heard that two of the godmothers were criminals, I was a bit scared. I was thinking about the two godmothers, disguised as thieves, ready to rob a bank or to kill someone. The good thing is that my opinions were wrong. The two fairy godmothers were only keeping some people under their control, without letting them to go out for a while! The first godmother resolves the problems, convincing the other fairies to help Tom’s father. I was very happy and pleased when everything was turning out just fine!
Don’t think that this story is only about the three fairy godmothers! The Falconers captured Tom’s father. When Tom says, “How is my dad supposed to have killed Milly Falconer? He wasn’t even there...”, I realized that something smelled fishy... I was thinking at some ways which brought to Milly Falconer’s death. After some thinking, I discovered that Milly was just poisoned and put away in a glass coffin, just like in the story of Snow White. I like it when authors are making a combination between an old, classic tale and a modern adventurous story full of strange creatures!
At the trial with Tom’s father, Tiberius Falconer, the leader of the Falconer family, wants to get rid of his enemy and “the killer” of Milly as quick as possible (“I’ll keep it short: he’s guilty – end of story.”). I knew that this evil character was acting wrong in the first place. I was very glad when Milly came to the trial and told everyone the truth.
The ending is very happy! The Falconers are guilty! They were just throwing jealous and bad words to Tom’s father, like most of the evil characters do.
I liked this book because it’s like in the real life (well, let’s forget about the magic). Think about that: a boy with three not-fairy godmothers trying to save a father from the clutches of some bad people. Isn’t it like in the real life? Well, I think it is... I’m so glad I read this cool book! :)
