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Showing posts from December, 2010

The Strange Diamond by Teodora Leon

It was summer and Araminta was bored...She didn’t know what to do...Aunt Tabby was in the garden. She was too busy to play with Araminta...”I’m bored!” Araminta said to Aunt Tabby. “Play with Uncle Drak, then!” Aunt Tabby said. “He is sleeping.” Araminta said, rolling her eyes. “Okay, you could play with Wanda. She is your best friend, isn’t she?” Aunt Tabby asked. “Yes, she is, but she is to the seaside...” Araminta said, disappointed. “Oh, Araminta, I’m busy! Why can’t you just leave me alone for a while? Go and play with someone or alone somewhere else, all right?” Aunt Tabby said. Araminta rolled her eyes again and went in her house. “I just wish I could have an adventure!...” Araminta said to herself. After a few minutes, Araminta decided to explore the house. Araminta’s house was very big! It had ten rooms, two kitchens and three bathrooms (one for Araminta, one for Aunt Tabby and the last one for Uncle Drak)! Also there was a big basement where Araminta found many strange things

De Craciun

De Craciun am primit cadouri foarte frumoase. Cel mai mult mi-au placut Cafeneaua Capsunicii si stiloul cu simbolurile Londrei. Si cartea ,,M is for Magic” scrisa tot de autorul lui ,,Coraline”, Neil Gaiman. Am primit si ,,Sleepovers", dar pe aceasta deja am citit-o de la British Council. Dar mama si tata stiau ca mi-o doream foarte mult. Si Miriam a primit cadouri frumoase. In fiecare zi de Craciun am fost la biserica. In prima zi de Craciun am fost la bunici pe care i-am colindat. Si de la ei am primit cadouri. Sa nu uit, Raluca mi-a dat un cadou grozav, un set ,,The Writer in Me" care ma invata cum sa scriu ca sa devin o scriitoare. :) In a treia zi de Craciun am mers acasa la Parintele Ovidiu unde m-am distrat de minune cu Luca, Dumitru si Maria. Din pacate Constantin era bolnav. M-am simtit asa de bine de Craciun! Ma bucur ca am primit cadouri frumoase!

The Ruined Christmas Ballet Show by Teodora Leon

Christmas was coming soon in Chipping Cheddar. Angelina was counting the snowflakes in her room. She was so happy that Christmas was very close! She will get wonderful presents and many guests will come to her house! Angelina didn’t realise when the snowflakes stopped falling...She had an idea in her mind, a really wonderful idea...Angelina was surprised when the telephone rang. “I will answer it!” Angelina shouted, going downstairs to reach the telephone. “Oh, hi, Alice! Meet in the park? Of course, it will be great! Okay, see you there!” Angelina said and then she rushed in her room to get her coat, her gloves and her scarf. “Bye, mom, I’m going in the park with Alice!” Angelina said. “All right, dear, have fun outside!” Mrs. Mouseling said while she was feeding Polly. In the park, Angelina and Alice had a great time! They had a snowball fight, they built a snowman, they skated on the iced pond and played hide-and-seek. After those things, Angelina said to Alice: “You know, Alice, I

Am fost Coraline!

In aceasta dimineata eu si cu colegii mei am participat la carnavalul ,,Cu masca, fara masca”, serbarea noastra de Craciun. Fiecare si-a ales un personaj sa il prezinte. Eu am fost Coraline. Pentru a-mi interpreta rolul, mi-au trebuit urmatoarele accesorii: cartea ,,Coraline” de Neil Gaiman, o papusa asemanatoare cu mine (si cu Coraline, desigur), o pereche de agrafe cu nasturi, o pisica neagra si un glob de sticla. Mi-am interpretat rolul foarte bine! Sa va spun si ce au fost ceilalti colegi ai mei: Nadine: Bradut Lucia: Statuia Libertatii Rares: Robot-Extraterestru Iulia: Ingeras Tudor: Vampir Stefania: Japoneza Lisa: Liliac Ioana: Muschetar Alexandru: Capcaun Smaranda: Dragonul din Shrek Petru: Spiderman Maria: Indianca Sami: Zorro Corina: Zana Florilor Sergiu: DJ Andra: Craiasa Zapezii Ruxandra: Dansatoare Lorena: Ingeras Cezara: Craciunita George: Medic Andreea: Cowgirl Diana: Rudolf Daria: Copacul Nuc Iata si cateva fotografii: La carnaval am mancat pizza si prajiturele, am dans

La Bojdeuca lui Ion Creanga

In aceasta dimineata eu impreuna cu colegii mei am mers la Bojdeuca lui Ion Creanga sa cantam niste colinde. Erau mai multe clase de la Colegiul Negruzzi. Noi ne-am descurcat bine. La sfarsit, toti copiii au primit bomboane, colacei, mere si nuci. La Bojdeuca sunt mereu foarte multe pisici. Astazi ele stateau cam zgribulite de frig. Ma bucur ca am mers la Bojdeuca lui Ion Creanga! Abia astept sa mai merg acolo!

Piglet’s Christmas Tree by Teodora Leon

It was evening. Me, mom, dad and Miriam decided to decorate our Chirstmas tree! Soon we finished to decorate it. It was splendid! Piglet looked at us and then he said to his brothers: “We are going to have our own Chirstmas tree!”. Piglet and his brothers went to a box full of decorations. Inside there was a little Christmas tree. “This one will be good!” Piglet said. He took it from inside the box, put it under my big Christmas tree and then he said: “We need some little decorations. But where can we find some?”. “Look, there is a little box over there!” one of Piglet’s brothers shouted. Inside that box there were some cute decorations. “They are just perfect!” Piglet said, with a smile. After some minutes, Piglet’s Christmas Tree was decorated. It was lovely! They found in another box a red train, some snowflakes made of paper and a very big sock. “In this sock, Santa Claus will put our presents!” Piglet said. Now everything was ready! Piglet’s Christmas tree looked wonderful! I gave

A venit Sfantul Nicolae!

A venit deja Sfantul Nicolae! Am primit un Webkinz Pom Pom Kitty, o haina Webkinz, un caiet cu Hello Kitty, o prajitura cu Shrek si volumul al doilea din cartile cu Lola, care mi-a placut atat de mult! De la Codrin am primit un jurnal Hannah Montana. Miriam a primit niste carti cu Hello Kitty, si un caiet tot cu Hello Kitty ca al meu, o prajitura cu Shrek, un Zumbuddy si un joc cu plastilina. Ma bucur ca am primit cadouri frumoase!

O zi cu zapada

Astazi eu, mama, tata si Miri am mers la biserica, la slujba... M-am jucat cu Miri... Apoi am mers in parc. Am facut ingerasi si am avut o bataie cu bulgari pe cinste! La sfarsit mama si tata au mai curatat masinile lor, iar eu si cu Miri ne-am mai jucat cu zapada in fata blocului. M-am distrat de minune afara! Acum il astept cu mare nerabdare pe Sfantul Nicolae sa-mi aduca daruri frumoase!