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Teodora’s Book Reviews: “Goblins” by Philip Reeve

“Name as many monsters as you can!” I’d tell you. “Ghosts, vampires, zombies, trolls... Mentioning them makes me shiver!” you’d tell me, my dear reader... “Isn’t there any single monster that you know?” I’d ask you. You’d stay and give me a look that means, “I think you are crazy! I don’t know any other type of monsters...” I’d laugh at you and then, say: “Have you ever heard of... goblins?” This is where our story starts...
“The goblins of Clovenstone Keep

are a bloodthirsty lot. They love fighting, looting and eating. And more fighting. But Skarper is different. Looks like a goblin... Smells like a goblin... But there’s something funny about this one... He’s too clever by half...”
Meet Skarper, the unusual goblin...

Oops, sorry, this is the right picture...

Like you’ve already read, he’s different from the others... He’s way more clever (and smart) than the other smelly goblins... (“Fingernails on a blackboard?” suggested Skarper. The others looked blankly at him again. “What’s ‘fingernails’?” asked Bootle. “What’s a ‘blackboard’?” asked Libnog. “What’s ‘on’?” asked Wrench. “Anchovies!” shouted Gutgust.”) Note: “Anchovies!” is the only word that Gutgust can say...

(Wondering what’s with the green things on the picture? Well, you have just seen goblin snot... I bet that you just got sick on your keyboard... Well, clean up the mess and (if you want!) continue reading...)

Skarper doesn’t like the goblins... They are so nasty and... and... nasty! He’s banished from the Keep and, believe it or not, but he makes new friends: the softlings! (Oh, how nice of them to call us, the humans, like that!) His new friends are Henwyn (a cheesewright... no, sorry, a cheesewright who believes that he is a hero...) and Princess Eluned (but you can call her Ned).
After so many cool and funny adventures (“Get off!” growled Knobbler, kicking his feet. Eluned shrieked and clutched at his trousers, which came down, revealing huge, pink, frilly flannel underpants that made her shriek again.”),

Skarper and his friends save the world from... Whoa, whoa, it should be everything a surprise! Read the book (if you dare!)! And don’t worry, the pages are not filled with goblin snot... They are green, yes, but... it’s not snot, got it?
P.S. The goblins wish you a Happy New Year, full of happiness... and war??? (Yep, those goblins ain't gonna change... :)) )
