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Showing posts from September, 2010

The Huge and Horrible Monster by Teodora Leon

It was autumn and all the children were back to school again. Some of them were happy and some of them were not... Will, Irma, Taranee, Cornelia and Hay Lin were very sad that the holiday finished. “I just can’t believe that the summer holiday went by so fast! Now we have to start school again... it’s not a big problem, of course, all the children are doing this!” Will said. She and the other girls were walking in the park. They were enjoying the last day of the summer holiday. “Yeah, but we are going to wake up every day so early and the teachers will give us homework to do!” Irma said with a sad voice. “Don’t worry, Irma, this is the best for us! If you want to take the exams and some other competions, you must work as lot as you can. And don’t forget: we are going to have two weeks with no school for Chirstmas and another one for Easter.” Taranee said. “I think you are right...” Irma said. “Of course Taranee is right!” Cornelia said. “Girls, I think we did forget something!” Hay Li...

The Missing Luggage by Teodora Leon

Do you know Hello Kitty and Mimmy, her sister? I’m sure you do. But do you know where they live and what they like to do? No? Well, in a few minutes, you are going to know everything about these cute little sisters! So... Kitty and Mimmy live in London, in a lovely house with their parents. They like to play all day and have exciting adventures. They share things with their friends and they learn new things every day, like why do they have to wash their hands before breakfast, lunch and dinner and why do they have to say “please” and “thank you”. I think that’s all... if you take from the British Council Library the DVDs with Hello Kitty, you are going to know more exciting things about her. Now, let’s get to my story... I hope you will enjoy it! :) It was a lovely day of summer. Kitty, Mimmy and their parents decided to go to Paris. Kitty and Mimmy were very excited! They made their backpacks and the next day, they were ready. The two sisters with their mom and dad went to the airpor...

Ziua bunicii mele la etajul al 13-lea

Astazi, eu, mama, tata si Miri am mers la restaurant, de ziua bunicii mele. Restaurantul era la etajul al 13-lea, de unde am vazut tot Iasul! :) La restaurant au fost si Laura si Sorin, matusa si unchiul meu, si Dafina si Nicoara, verisorii mei. Eu cu Dafina, Miri si Nicoara am jucat ascunsa, prinsa si ne-am prefacut ca suntem in armata. La un moment dat, bunicul ne-a dus pe mine si pe Nicoara afara si am vazut porumbeii si fantanile. Tortul bunicii a fost adus la sfarsit. Arata foarte frumos si a fost extrem de bun! Am suflat in lumanari impreruna cu bunica. La plecare, am vazut un acvariu cu pesti mari si mici. M-am distrat de minune la restaurant!

The Lost Girls by Teodora Leon

I think you know Gru and the three little girls, Agnes, Edith and Margo... if you saw the film. If you haven't seen the film, I can tell you more about them. Gru was a jerk and he wanted to steal everything on the Earth. One day he decided to steal the moon. Yes, the moon, I’m not lying! He really wanted to steal it just to be popular and be the first who steals something HUGE! The problem is that he has to take care of the orphan girls. Vector, Gru’s enemy, tries to stop him from stealing the moon... Do you want more details? Go to the film! It’s very funny! :) Now, let’s read my story about them. Gru was very happy to take care of Agnes, Edith and Margo. He was going to their ballet shows, he took them to the playground and, before bedtime, Gru was reading a story to make them sleep. All this time, Vector was on the moon (you will see why, if you go to the film). His father helped him to come back on the Earth. Now, Vector wanted to take his revenge. “I want to get rid of Gru or ...

Ultima zi de vacanta si prima zi de scoala

Duminica seara, eu si Vlad ne-am intalnit in parc. Ne-am plimbat prin parc si am jucat "Agentii Secreti". Eu am fost Agent Cheetah 4, Miri s-a hotarat sa fie Agent Miriam Leon, iar Vlad a fost Agent 008V. Ne-am distrat de minune! La sfarsit ne-a parut rau ca ne despartim si ca nu o sa ne mai vedem la scoala, dar vom ramane prieteni buni in continuare! Luni dimineata am cunoscut-o pe noua mea Doamna Invatatoare si am facut cunostinta cu noii mei colegi (si Miri a venit cu mine la scoala). :) La careu m-am vazut cu Teo si Vlad. Ne-am urat fiecaruia succes la scoala. Noua mea Doamma Invatatoare este foarte draguta, iar toti colegii mei se comporta frumos cu mine. Dupa ce am plecat de la scoala, am mers in parc si m-am jucat. Miri a mai adunat cu mine cateva castane. Eram foarte fericita ca am iesit mai devreme de la scoala! Luni seara m-am intalnit din nou in parc cu Vlad. Am jucat badminton, ne-am plimbat prin parc si am povestit cum e la scoala. M-am simtit minunat in vacanta,...

Angelina’s Special Invitation by Teodora Leon

One day, Angelina was having breakfast with her parents. Someone knocked at the door. “Come in!” Mrs. Mouseling said. The postman came in. “I’ve got an invitation for Angelina Mouseling.” the postman said. “An invitation? What can it be?” Angelina asked herself, surprised. After the postman left, Angelina read the invitation with a loud voice: “Dear Angelina, because you are so good at ballet, me and Serena Silvertail decided to invite you at the Cindermouse ballet! You can also invite someone to come with you because you’ve got two tickets. With best wishes, Miss Lilly and Serena Silvertail” . Angelina was suprised! “Mom, dad! Can you imagine? I’m invited to the Cindermouse ballet by Miss Lilly and Serena Silvertail, my favorite star!” Angelina shouted very happy. “That’s very nice, Angelina, dear!” Mrs. Mouseling said. “Sometimes you can be very lucky!” Angelina’s father said. “Who are you going to invite to come with you at the show?” Angelina’s mother asked. “Well, maybe Alice or W...

La Neamt

Sambata, eu, mama, tata si Miri am mers la Neamt. Pe drum am citit cateva carti cu Angelina, m-am jucat cu Miri si m-am uitat la peisaj. Prima data ne-am oprit la Cetatea Neamtului. De acolo am cumparat o medalie cu Stefan cel Mare. La muzeul cetatii am vazut: iatacurile domnitelor, camera de taina, fantana dorintelor, bucataria, inchisoarea, paraclisul si multe alte incaperi. Peste tot erau multe imagini cu Domnitorii Moldovei. Dupa ce am vizitat cetatea, am mers si la Casa lui Ion Creanga de la Humulesti. Am vazut si Parcul Tematic unde erau personajele din povestile scrise de Ion Creanga: "Ursul pacalit de vulpe", "Capra cu trei iezi", "Punguta cu doi bani" etc. Mi-am adus aminte de Nica si de aventurile lui. Mi-am dat seama ca Tom Sawyer se aseamana cu Nica pentru ca amandoi trec prin aventuri frumoase si palpitante! Am mai mers si la cateva manastiri. Prima manastire a fost Manstirea Neamt. Am vazut ochiul din turn. De la Manastirea Neamt, mama mi-a l...