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Showing posts from December, 2012

Teodora’s Book Reviews: “Goblins” by Philip Reeve

“Name as many monsters as you can!” I’d tell you. “Ghosts, vampires, zombies, trolls... Mentioning them makes me shiver!” you’d tell me, my dear reader... “Isn’t there any single monster that you know?” I’d ask you. You’d stay and give me a look that means, “I think you are crazy! I don’t know any other type of monsters...” I’d laugh at you and then, say: “Have you ever heard of... goblins?” This is where our story starts... “The goblins of Clovenstone Keep are a bloodthirsty lot. They love fighting, looting and eating. And more fighting. But Skarper is different. Looks like a goblin... Smells like a goblin... But there’s something funny about this one... He’s too clever by half...” Meet Skarper, the unusual goblin... Oops, sorry, this is the right picture... Like you’ve already read, he’s different from the others... He’s way more clever (and smart) than the other smelly goblins... (“Fingernails on a blackboard?” suggested Skarper. The others looked blankly at him ag...

Teodora’s Book Reviews: “The Unforgotten Coat” by Frank Cottrell Boyce

“My brother believes he is being chased by a demon... a demon that makes things vanish.” When I read this sentence, I was scared. But don’t get me wrong; I really like books with breath-taking moments! But when it’s about demons... I’m outta here! Julie O’Connor is the main character. When two Mongolian brothers (they are, actually, nomads) come to her school, she has to be their “good guide”. The two Mongolian brothers are Chingis and Nergui. They are very strange. They never get off their coats, their traditional Mongolian coats. They say that those coats can protect them for the demon that makes things vanish... The question popped in my mind as I was reading the story: can Julie protect Chingis and Nergui from the demon? I liked the book very much! It has really nice photographs inside and the story is very interesting! I also liked the ending: “Two days later, he tries to add me as a friend on Facebook. Maybe it was a coincidence. Maybe he’s been checking all the Julie O’Co...

Teodora’s Book Reviews: “Danny Danger and the Cosmic Remote” by Adam Frost

Everyone wants to control time... To pause it or rewind it... Well, if you would like to have a cosmic remote to do anything you want with time, meet Daniel Danger (or Danny, for short). He has annoying parents (who are always angry with him) and an older sister named Mia. Danny got a cosmic remote from his cool Uncle Charlie. The two of them are like best friends. They always have a lot of fun when they are together. (“Uncle Charlie and Danny would spend the afternoon in the garden, pretending to be cavemen, building a shelter out of branches and leaves and garden chairs. They’d disappear into Danny’s bedroom and imagine they were astronauts and make a rocket out of boxes and rugs and bedclothes. They’d take over the kitchen and tell Mrs. Danger they were scientists and create a potion out of bleach and orange juice and flour and washing-up liquid.”) Uncle Charlie works for an organization called EUREKA! (“We look after people’s gadgets. You see, there are some pretty incredi...

Serbarea lui Miri si petrecerea de Craciun

O fi Miri mica, dar a inceput sa stie multe limbi straine... :) Martea trecuta a avut loc serbarea lui Miri in limba franceza. Impreuna cu Doamna Profesoara si cu colegii ei, Miri a cantat in limba franceza. Mi-a placut foarte mult serbarea! :) Dupa ce am vazut tot spectacolul dat de cei mici, Doamna mea Profesoara de limba franceza a spus: “Facem si noi o serbare... de Paste!” Abia astept! :)) Joi, pe 20 decembrie, am incheiat primul semestru cu un “Christmas Party” in Club RS. Am facut si o tombola. Am primit de la Sma niste Casti Beats! Multumesc, Sma, pentru cadou! :) La petrecere m-am simtit foarte bine! Am stat mai mult cu Deny si Miru, Sma si Tudor. Clasa 6A are o revista care se numeste “Timp in relief”. In revista mi-au aparut o poveste si un book review. Book review-ul este cel pe care l-am facut la “One dog and his boy” by Eva Ibbotson , iar povestea, “Cearta dintre Fat Frumos si Greg Heffley” , cred ca deja o stiti de pe blog. :) Ma bucur ca...

Teodora’s Book Reviews: “Brave” by Disney

I was brave enough to see the movie... But I was indeed very happy when my Godmother brought me the book of the film from London! :) This story is about a Scottish princess named Merida. She lives, of course, in Scotland with her father, King Fergus, her mother, Queen Elinor, and her brothers (the triplets), Hamish, Hubert and Harris. Merida has been preparing for her whole life to become a princess. (“A princess enjoys elegant pursuits. A princess does not laugh, giggle or chortle; she laughs with her eyes. A princess must be knowledgeable about her kingdom; she doesn’t doodle. A princess never gloats. A princess rises early. A princess doesn’t stuff her gob. A princess is compassionate. Patient. Cautious! Clean. And above all, a princess strikes for... well, perfection!”) Elinor taught her everything a princess has to know. But Merida doesn’t want to be a princess... She wants her freedom... But she has no choice. The three clans (MacGuffin, Dingwall and Macin...

Despre „Marele Nate – Lovitură după lovitură” de Lincoln Peirce

„Pentru fanii seriei „Jurnalul unui puşti”: Iată-l pe MARELE NATE, geniu – în viziunea sa – şi cu siguranţă elevul „certat” cu profii.” Aceasta este introducerea de pe ultima copertă... Fiind un fan al cărţii „Jurnalul unui puşti”, mi-am dat seama imediat că această nouă poveste cu Marele Nate va fi perfectă pentru mine! :) Nate are un duşman de moarte: Gina, tocilara clasei. Cea mai mare notă a ei: 10. Cea mai mică notă a ei: 10. Gina este perfectă! Din cauza aceasta Nate nu o suportă. De asemenea, Gina încearcă să îl bage pe Nate şi mai mult în bucluc (de parcă n-ar avea destule probleme cu profesorii... mai ales cu doamna Godfrey/Godzilla!!!)! Doamna Godfrey, diriginta lui Nate (ce ghinion!) are o supriză (neplăcută, din păcate!) pentru clasă: „Veţi scrie un referat despre o MARE PERSONALITATE din AMERICA! NU va fi un proiect individual. Veţi face echipă cu alţi colegi.” Ghiciţi cu cine a nimerit Nate să lucreze în echipă. Nu, nu cu Francis. Nici cu Teddy. Nici măcar cu...

"Iasii in Carnaval" la Teatrul National

Weekend-ul trecut am fost la Teatrul National, la piesa de teatru “Iasii in Carnaval”. Aceasta piesa a fost scrisa de Vasile Alecsandri. Teatrul National este foarte frumos. Sala Mare (unde a avut loc piesa) avea pereti pe care erau pictati ingeri si nimfe. Am stat intr-o loja, de unde se vedea foarte bine scena. Eu si cu Miri abia asteptam sa inceapa spectacolul! :) “Iasii in Carnaval” este o comedie, un “teatru popular”. Piesa prezinta o intamplare care are loc, bineineles, la Iasi, in apropierea unui mare carnaval. Toata lumea este agitata. Oamenii din “Iesi” se pregatesc pentru un “bal masque” (bal mascat). Mesajul transmis de aceasta piesa este faptul ca, purtand totusi o masca, comportamentul tau, trasaturile tale, tot ies la iveala. In piesa au jucat doi prieteni de-ai mamei: Calin si Haruna. Calin a avut rol principal, Jignicerul Vadra, venit la Iasi (de la tara). Toata agitatia aceea (in preajma carnavalului) il speria pe Jignicerul Vadra (“Asta vrea sa ma spa...