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Showing posts from October, 2010

A Halloween Story by Teodora Leon

You know that soon it is going to be Halloween on the 31st of October. All the children wear costumes and go to their neighbors knock at their door and they say “Trick or treat”. If the people give them sweets, it means that they’ve got a treat from them and if they don’t give sweets, they play a trick on them. It’s very funny to do a trick! Oh, I like Halloween so much! Don’t you like it, too? I think that you like to hear Halloween stories, too, am I right? Well, here’s a Halloween story that I just wrote for you, I do hope that you will enjoy it: Long ago there was The Land of Witches and Wizards. On every Halloween the witches were making potions (good ones, not poisoned) and tricks on the people. What the wizards were doing? Nothing! Lazing all day, especially on Halloween. They were looking for the ingredients for the potions and...that’s all...Sometimes they were helping the witches to make the potions that were a little bit hard to make. Now, I think you want to know what happ...

Zile de toamna

In aceste zile eu cu mama si Miri am mai iesit prin parc. Afara era atat de frumos mai ales cand batea vantul, iar frunzele cadeau repede, una dupa alta. Am adunat frunze cu Miri, ne-am jucat... Bunica a invatat-o pe Miri cateva cantecele in limba franceza. Acum, oriunde este, in casa sau afara, Miriam le canta in continuu.:) Toamna este asa de frumoasa si as mai vrea sa fie zile din acestea pentru a iesi cu mama si sora mea in parc! P.S. Ieri eu si mama ne-am intalnit cu Raluca in parc. In timp ce mama si Raluca stateau pe o banca si vorbeau, eu am construit o fantana din bete. E asa de frumos in parc toamna!

The Big Surprise by Teodora Leon

Soon it was Angelina’s birthday. Alice, her best friend, wanted to make Angelina a big surprise! But she didn’t know what to do. One day Angelina with her friends went to Miss Lilly’s ballet lesson. At the end of the ballet lesson, Angelina packed her tutu and her ballet shoes and she left. Alice, William, Flora, Felicity, Gracie and Vici decided to make a ballet show just for Angelina! “I’m sure that Angelina will be very surprised!” Alice said. “Yeah, but...” William said. “But what?” Flora asked. “Well...we’re not so good at ballet just like Angelina and...we still need to practice. Can one of you, girls, go and ask Miss Lilly if we are going to have some another ballet lessons?” William asked. “I’ll go!” Felicity said. After some minutes Felicity returned. She wasn’t so happy. “Felicity, is anything wrong?” Gracie asked. “What did Miss Lilly say?” Vici asked. “She said that we are going to have two free weeks and we will not come to ballet lessons!” Felicity said. “Oh, no! After tw...

Garfield’s Great Adventure in London by Teodora Leon

Have you seen the two movies with Garfield? Yes? Well, I was thinking...why children can’t do movies or cartoons just like the big humans? For example: this story could be “Garfield 3”, but I decided that maybe this title is going to be more attractive and everyone will come to cinemas to see it...imagine, posters that are announcing the new movie with our favorite cat, Garfield, by a little girl named Teodora...a 10-year old girl? This time, I’m sure that everybody from the entire world will go and see this wonderful film (which is the first one made by a child!). Oh, if only it could be real...hey, am I dreaming about impossible things or telling the story? The answer is...I think you know let’s begin and see what is Garfield doing in his great adventure in London... Another day for Garfield...he knows what to do all day: eating lasagna, sleeping, eating lasagna, sleeping, eating lasagna, sleeping...did you understand? I’m sure you did. Garfield was a funny, but lazy (ac...

Resfintirea Manastirii Golia

Astazi s-au implinit 350 de ani de cand este manastirea Golia. Am mers cu mama, tata si Miri la biserica sa ascultam slujba. Era o multime de oameni acolo! Eu merg la Golia de cand eram mica. Raluca, nasa mea, vine in fiecare duminica la Golia si ma intalnesc cu ea de fiecare data. Aici l-am cunoscut si pe Parintele Serafim. Tot la Golia Raluca mi-a dat ursuletul alb, de Sfanta Teodora. Si Andrei vine cu parintii lui la Golia. Cand eram mai mici ne jucam la Golia. Cand turnul Goliei era deschis, de Sfanta Parascheva, de acolo urmaream artificiile. Alte dati urcam in turn si ma jucam. Miriam, de cand s-a nascut, tot aici vine la biserica. Mai demult la Golia in curte erau catei, iepuri si pauni, iar eu mergeam sa-i vad. Manastirea Golia este foarte frumoasa si ma bucur cand vin aici in fiecare duminica la slujba! P.S. Ieri a fost concursul "Creativitate si Imaginatie" la limba romana, la Scoala 15, iar eu am iesit pe primul loc.

Artificii de Sarbatorile Iasului

In aceasta seara eu si Vlad am mers sa vedem artificiile de Sfanta Parascheva. Noi doi cu domnul Tuchilus am mers mai in fata, iar mama, tata, Miri si doamna Tuchilus au stat mai in spate. Pana ce au aparut artificiile, eu si Vlad am ascultat cantecele formatiei Iris. Era foarte multa lume acolo! Eram inghesuiti, dar ne simteam foarte bine! Dupa ce formatia a plecat, au inceput sa apara artificiile. A fost nemaipomenit! Si Miriam a fost foarte incantata! La inceput s-a speriat, dar si-a revenit dupa cateva minute. Ea are o carte care se numeste ,,Winnie si artificiile” si se astepta sa il vada la sfarsit pe Winnie!:) Dupa ce am plecat am auzit ca la Mitropolie era slujba si oamenii intrau acolo pentru a ajunge la racla Sfintei Parascheva. Aceasta seara a fost foarte frumoasa si ma bucur ca si Vlad a fost cu mine!:) Iata cateva fotografii si un filmulet cu artificiile: