Aleisha, Angel, Ella, Jude and Roxie are members of the Best Friends’ Club. They are BFFs (Best Friends Forever). They have wonderful adventures and they always do cool things! The five girls are getting excited when there is a talent competition at their school. They make their own band and they compose their own super-awesome song! But when Roxie gets too bossy around, her friends might not like her so much anymore... Will Roxie get her friends back and win the talent competition? Read the story and find out... Who knows, maybe you’re going to be member of the Best Friends’ Club, too!
Chapter one – A New Club is Born
Dear Diary,
My name is Roxie Roberts. I am twelve years old. I have a twin sister called Angel Roberts. We are the best sisters ever! Believe it or not, but yesterday it was our birthday! Mom and Dad gave us one cool surprise: a book called “Best Friends’ Club – Club Kit”. I was so happy! I’ve always wanted to have my own club with my very best friends! Now, my wish came true!
Today, Angel and I were very busy. We arranged our room for enough space to have our Best Friends’ Club meeting clubs. Then, we made some invitations for our friends, Aleisha, Ella and Jude. The invitation said:
“You are invited to be a member of a new club: Best Friends’ Club (BFC). Today, at six o’clock in the evening, you have to come to Angel and Roxie’s house to get your membership card and, well, to see how your first meeting club is... We wait for you with warm smiles! :)
Love, Angel and Roxie Roberts”
I just love doing invitations! Angel and I went to every house and put the invitations in the mailboxes. We knew that Aleisha, Ella and Jude were checking their mailboxes everyday.
At six o’clock, Aleisha, Ella and Jude were already at our house. We went in mine and Angel’s room, giggling. My friends and my sister sat on the floor, on some comfortable cushions. “Attention, everyone! Welcome to Best Friends’ Club, a place where only BFFs have fun! Angel and I decided a position in the club for everyone. I will read the membership cards: Aleisha Knight is the Treasurer; Angel Roberts is the Secretary; Ella MaCarthy is the Designer; Jude Jackson is the Events Organizer; Roxie Roberts (that’s me) is the Chairperson. First of all, I want you to see the Club Pledge and sign it...” I said. I gave the girls the pledge. It said:
We will always be loyal to our club and its members.
If we disagree, we’ll sit down and sort things out sensibly and calmly.
We’ll never leave any club members out and we will always be there for each other.
We’ll never tell each other anything but the truth... and that means the WHOLE truth.
We will be best friends forever and ever. Long live our club!
Signed by: Aleisha Knight, Angel Roberts, Ella MaCarthy, Jude Jackson and Roxie Roberts
Date: Saturday, the 31st of August”
Yes, the end of the summer... But it’s a very good start! Aleisha, Ella and Jude were very excited! “Right, you signed the Club Pledge. Now, it’s time for some club questionnaires!” I announced and I gave some copies I made (with the help of the club kit book, of course)... I showed them my completed club questionnaire (for an example). It said:
“Name: Roxie Roberts
Age: 12
My favorite color is: Green
My best mate is: All the members of the BFC!!!
We met at: School
I have a talent for: Commanding (being the leader)
The talent I’d most like to have is: Writing stories
If I could have any pet, it would be a: a) puppy; b) kitten; c) bunny; d) pony (circle a letter) – I want a kitten
The best EVER day of my life was when: I met you (Aleisha, Ella and Jude)
If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life, it would be: Fish and chips
If I could describe myself in three words, they would be: Beautiful, Cool and Smart
The most scrummy-looking boy at school is: Not sure yet...
But I secretly fancy: Nobody...”
It was fun completing the club questionnaire! After all of this, I took the Club Pledge and the club questionnaires and said: “From now on, mine and Angel’s room is going to be our meeting club place... We will put the Club Pledge on the wall so we can always remember the rules. The club questionnaires are going to be put under the Club Pledge. Remember: don’t keep secrets! This club is for sharing your thoughts and for having 100% fun!” “Roxie, you and Angel had done a great job with organizing this first meeting club! I already feel wonderful in the BFC!” Aleisha said. “Yeah! I’m sure that this club is the best from the whole universe!” Ella said. “Is there anything you want to tell us, Roxie?” Jude asked, seeing my very happy face. “Well, girls, I want you to show the book which helped me to do the Club Pledge and the club questionnaires...” I said and showed “Best Friends’ Club – Club Kit”. My friends were so pleased! They saw everything the book contains: Starting Out, Name Game, Home from Home, Happy Hosting, What’s your club talent? (quiz), Mystic Mate Match, Best Buddies (quiz), Friendship Bracelets, Club Clothes, Secret Language, Things to do, Super-Sizzling Ideas, Club Fights, Are you a troublemaker? (quiz), Get Pampering, Are you make-up mad? (quiz), Club Numbers, Clubs Rock. “The book also has Party Invitations, Playing Cards (we can play “Snap!”), BFC Badges (we can use them when we have meeting clubs), BFC Bookmarks, BFC Ingredients for Yummy Food (Choc Dippers, Fabulous Fruit Punch, Funky Fairy Cakes, Ice Cream Floats, Super Sweet Popcorn, Superstar Sandwich), BFC Postcards and BFC Stickers.” I said. “They are cool!” Angel said.
For a moment, I felt really... important! I am the chairperson, right? Well, all my activities for the first meeting club had gone well... Believe me: I am destined to be the leader of a club! :)
Chapter two – The Sixth Grade and A Talent Competition
Dear Diary,
OMG!!! I am one cool person! :) BFC totally rocks! My friends, my sister and I have fun every time we see each other (Note: I see Angel everyday! :D)! We even gave us some nicknames (we use them for e-mails and so on): Aleisha24, Angel.is.an.angel, Ella.New.Girl, JudeSportsStar and Foxy-Roxie (that’s me).
What else can I say? That the school started yesterday? I will not get bored one teeny-tiny second (because of the homework – grrrr!)...
I am in the sixth grade and, well, I’m pretty excited about it (let’s ignore all the homework, okay? – I will have nightmares!)... I am in the same class with Angel and the others. This is a very good thing! We will be together everyday! Believe me: the present from Mom and Dad is absolutely incredible! Angel said so, too! :)
BTW, I have some very good news to tell: yesterday, I was with Aleisha, Angel, Ella and Jude on the school hall. We saw a poster, which said:
“Do you have an amazing talent you’d like to share? A talent competition is on at Western School! Today, at the art room, you can sign up for the competition! You will have fun and there are going to be wonderful prizes! You can dance, say jokes, make your own band etc. The talent competition will be on the 5th of October, so you will have enough time to practice for what you have chosen to do! Discover your inner talent!”
“Girls, we got to sign up for the talent competition!” I said. “Yeah, why not? But what are we going to do?” Aleisha asked. We thought for a moment. “Is anyone good at dancing?” Angel asked. “No!” we said. “What about telling jokes?” Ella asked. “My brother is a professional joke-teller!” Jude asked. Everyone looked at Jude with a “boys-are-not-allowed-in-a-girls-club” face. I giggled. “Good for your brother. But there has to be something else we can do...” I said. I looked again at the poster. “I know! Let’s make our own band!” I said. “Yeah, you’re right, sis! We are all pretty good at singing, right?” Angel said. Everyone nodded. “Come on, let’s go to the art room to sign up!” I said. “How many minutes are left?” Aleisha asked. “Ten minutes. It’s the big break.” Ella said. “Yeah, we’re going to have the Biology class. Boring!” Jude said.
We ran towards the art room. We saw a boy at a desk. On the desk there were “sign up” sheets of paper. “Hello! We want to sign up for the talent competition. We’re going to do a band. ” I said. “Okay! Here is the “sign up” sheet of paper for having a band. Do you need a pen?” the boy said. “Yes, please!” I said and took the given pen. Here is what I wrote:
“Pupil name(s): Aleisha Knight, Angel Roberts, Ella MaCarthy, Jude Jackson, Roxie Roberts
Name of the band: Best Friends Forever
Name of the song: Friendship is The Best!
Signed: Aleisha24, Angel.is.an.angel, Ella.New.Girl, JudeSportsStar, Foxy-Roxie”
“Roxie, that’s a brilliant name for the band!” Aleisha said. “Yeah, and the name of the song sounds quite interesting, too!” Angel said. I smiled and gave the boy the completed paper. “Thank you, girls! The talent competition is going to be on the 5th of October, at six o’clock in the evening. That’s on a Saturday.” the boy said. “Thank you very much. Goodbye!” I said and left with my BFC members. “What time is it?” Ella asked. “OMG! We’ve got only one minute. Let’s hurry or the Biology professor will get mad...” Jude said. We ran towards our class... Jude was right: our Biology professor gets angry quickly... I didn’t want any Biology test (I’m no good at it)! :)
Chapter three – Lots and Lots of BFC Meeting Clubs
Dear Diary,
We worked for our band, Best Friends Forever, really hard! You know that the song is called “Friendship is The Best!”... Well, we already made the song rhymes. Here it is:
“Wanna know something?
We gotta keep laughing!
‘Cause we’re best friends forever
And nothing is going to stop us, never ever!
Friendship is The Best!
Wanna give us a test?
We’re going to do it all right
‘Cause we are friends, so keep on tight!
Wanna know something?
We gotta keep trying
To be together friends forever
Friendship is The Best!
If you are a pest
Then go away
One thing’s for sure: NO WAY
You and I going to be best friends forever
Never ever!
It’s not a big thing, but it’s still our work... Jude has some instruments so she brought them with her brother’s car. “Cool, Jude!” I said. She showed us a set of drums, three guitars and a microphone. “I will be with the microphone!” I said. “I will take the drums!” Jude said. “I guess Aleisha, Ella and I will be with the guitars...” Angel said.
We have a lot of BFC meeting clubs because of the rehearsals for the talent competition. It might be frustrating, but, at least we are all together! :)
Chapter four – The Fight
Dear Diary,
I’m so frustrated!!! I am such a loser!!! You can’t just imagine what had happened... My friends and I had a horrible fight!!!
We were rehearsing for the talent competition. I don’t know why, but I behaved like a fool! I got so bossy! My friends didn’t like this... Today, we didn’t sing very well (like someone had just stolen our true talent). Of course, this made me very mad. I started to shout at my friends and tell them they are worthless and they don’t even know how to sing a song for babies. When I realized what I said, it was too late... Aleisha, Angel, Ella and Jude were looking at me with sad eyes. “Roxie, what happened to you? You changed...” Aleisha said. “No, I didn’t!” I shouted. “Yes, you did! You were friendlier and funnier before... Now, you just shout at us like we are your enemies!” Ella said. “Well, if I need you to remember, I am the chairperson, so that means you have to listen to me!” I said. “Yeah, but did you forget the rules? You know, the “we-will-always-be-there-for-each-other” part? Have you forgotten all about it?” Jude asked. I wanted to shout again, but I stopped. Jude was right! For the moment, I forgot all about the rules... I didn’t say anything. Aleisha stomped her foot and said: “That’s it! If there are going to be fights, I am leaving! I thought BFC was for having fun!” “Aleisha is right! I’m leaving, too!” Ella said. ‘Me, too! I don’t want to stay with a bad chairperson like Roxie!” Jude said. Right then, in the garage, were only Angel and I. My sister looked at me with a frown on her face. “Is there a problem you have, Roxie?” she asked with half voice. A tear rolled down on her cheek. I didn’t say anything. I just stared at the floor like a stupid girl. “Fine, if you won’t talk with me, I won’t talk with you, either!” Angel said and left. I remained alone. I looked around and I just saw some lonely instruments. I made two big eyes. I rushed to my room, threw myself on the bed and started to cry... All the evening, Angel didn’t come in our room. I guess she is super-angry on me... I was sitting on my bed, thinking: Was this the end of the Best Friends’ Club? Will my friends ever speak to me again? Many questions were twirling in my mind, but I didn’t want to think of an answer... I was too sad! :(
P.S. I guess BFF doesn’t mean “Best Friends Forever” (at least for me)! It means “Best Fake Friend”... :(
Chapter five – Friends Again!
Dear Diary,
Today was one of my wonderful days from my whole life!!! I got my friends back!!! How? That’s a really good question... Hear me out...
I had breakfast in the morning. Angel was right next to me, but she didn’t talk. She didn’t even look at me! I felt horrible! I mean: my friends and my sister were super-mad on me! I couldn’t think of anything else, except for this problem...
Suddenly, a wonderful idea came into my mind! I finished my breakfast and went quickly in my room. I took some sheets of paper and started to write some cards for Aleisha, Angel, Ella and Jude. The cards were saying, “I’m sorry for being a BFF (Best Fake Friend). Will you please come to my house to have a little chat?” I went to every house to put the cards. I even made one for Angel and put it on her bed. I couldn’t even talk to my sis... I was too ashamed... But I hoped, hoped, hoped that my friends would come by my house to listen to what I have to say...
In the afternoon, my, let’s just say, ex-friends were in my room. They weren’t so happy... “Guys... I... I just wanted to tell you that... I, um... I behaved like a, um... a not-so-perfect chairperson... Actually, a not-so-perfect friend... I shouted to you because I, um, well... I wanted everything to be perfect for our rehearsals... I... I wanted to have success for the competition... For the moment, I totally forgot about our rules... I remembered that, at our first meeting club, we said that BFC is a place where only BFFs have fun... I... I am so sorry for what I’ve done... I am not a true friend, I suppose... Now, if you don’t want me anymore, it’s okay! You don’t deserve to be members of a club, which has a girl like me... I just wanted you to know that I regret what I have done, that’s all...” I said. For some minutes, it was silence in the room. Nobody said anything. I knew that sooner or later my ex-friends would leave and never ever talk with me... But, to my surprise, Aleisha, Angel, Ella and Jude came next to me and hugged. I was 100% surprised! “Roxie, we forgive you. To tell the truth, we forgot about the rules, too! We shouldn’t have yell, too... We should have just talk about this problem... Because you made the first step, Roxie, that means you are a truly good friend!” Aleisha said. “I suggest something: from this day on, if we have a problem, we have to talk about it, no matter what. Fights are not included!” Ella said. “Ella is right! Like we said in the Club Pledge: “If we disagree, we’ll sit down and sort things out sensibly and calmly.” Jude said. “Friends again?” Angel asked, looking at me. I showed a little smile and said: “Yes... friends again... forever and ever!” Right then, my friends and I hugged like true BFFs. “What the heck! In two days we have the talent competition! We have to practice... or else!” Angel said. We went in the garage, where the instruments were left. I wanted to jump up and down for 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times! I was more than happy! I was SUPER-SUPER-EXCITED!!! I just got my friends back... It was kind of a miracle... A really nice miracle! :) I have to make a promise: from this day on, I will not get bossy around, even if I am the chairperson...
Chapter six – The Wonderful Prize and A Lovely Ending
Dear Diary,
Today, on the 5th of October, at six o’clock in the evening, at Western School, a talent competition was on! Believe it or not, but my friends and I won the first prize!!! Can you believe it??? Our song was extraordinary! The audience sang with us and some of them were dancing on the rhythm! It was cool! Do you know what have we won? Tickets for Miky Dean’s new concert!!! OMG!!! I am his biggest fan!!! Who knows: maybe I’m going to get an autograph from him!
I am such a lucky person; I have wonderful friends, a cool sister and the best club from the whole universe!!! What else can I say? Long live our club! :)
P.S. I guess BFF doesn’t mean “Best Fake Friend” (at least for me)... It means “Best Friends Forever”! :)
The End
Dear reader, I hoped you liked the story... Before I say goodbye to you, I want to ask you one thing: do you have Best Friends’ Club books? If not, I can give you some tips (made by me!) for the following books...
“Boredom Busters”:

Are you bored? Does everyone have fun and you don’t? Do your brothers and sisters annoy you? Calm down, “Boredom Busters” is the perfect book for you! Here you can find helpful tips, games and quizzes. One thing is for sure: you will never get bored of this book! :)
Tip #1: Don’t let the boredom to be your enemy! You can always do something cool! For example, you can make your own club! You can have meetings almost everyday with your best friends! Laughing moments and wonderful time: guaranteed!
Tip #2: Are you on a trip? Is the teacher a killjoy person? Don’t let this to bother you! Use your imagination! You and your classmates can have an unforgotten adventure without even realizing!
Tip #3: Summer is meant to be for fun and relaxing, right? Wait, do I see a frown on your face? Cheer up (or else)! Go out and explore the city! You can convince your parents to go in a trip to an awesome city (Berlin, London, New York, Paris etc). Who knows what you might find...
Tip #4: Grey clouds on the sky? Wind blowing? Rain is approaching, that’s for sure! But this isn’t a tragic moment: you can always have fun in your house, too! (That’s why people say, “Home, sweet home!” for many times.) Read a book, watch a movie, bake something or talk with your friends for hours on Facebook, Messenger or at your mobile phone!
Tip #5: Is there a class you hate at school, like History or Maths etc? Well, don’t worry, there are some things you can do while the teacher gives you 100% boring information (yawn!): doodle or write a love poem for your crush (if you have one). But, be careful when the teacher is around! :D
“Fun Facts”:

Does everybody know a lot of interesting stuff and you don’t? Don’t panic, this book will tell you everything a girl needs to know...
Tip #1: Everybody loves an animal or more, that’s for sure! You can learn a lot of cool stuff about domestic animals, including the pets, and wild animals. You will adore the pictures with baby animals and you will find out how groups of different kind of animals are called (a pack of wolves etc)...
Tip #2: If you can’t draw very well, you can at least learn amazing stuff about amazing artists. Did you know that Leonardo da Vinci painted “Mona Lisa”? Did you know that Vincent van Gogh had painted many wonderful paintings, from sunflowers to starry nights? Or that he sliced off his own ear??? Did you know that it took four years for Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome, Italy, with over three hundred figures from the Bible? You can amaze your arts teacher with this information!
Tip #3: Books, films, sports... There are lots of authors, actors/actresses and basketball/football/tennis players in this world! But do you know their life... or their secrets? There are lots of pages where you can find new things about your favorite stars!
Tip #4: Have you ever wondered what’s inside you? Did you know that the boys’ and the girls’ skeletons aren’t exactly the same? Did you know that if you eat healthy food (fruit, vegetables), you could have a brilliant brain? Did you know that your heart beats for 100.000 times/day? Don’t be afraid to explore yourself... You’re going to like the Body Know-How pages...
Tip #5: In holidays there are many places you can visit... Find out The Top Ten Biggest Countries in The World, The Magnificent Monuments and The World’s Biggest. You can also find out some laws or rules to be respected in some countries or strange types of food from around the world (like boiled sheep’s heads, fat, juicy grubs, fried spiders or snakes – yuck!). It’s time to travel through those pages...
Tip #6: Fashion, looking gorgeous... That’s what girls are wishing for! You can find the latest tips about model behavior or silly styles! Do you want to dress like a black-loving goth, a film star, a rock chick or a sports-nut? You choose!
Tip #7: Crazy stuffs always make a book more interesting... Read your birthstones, your Chinese astrology and your star signs. Make your own story with fairies, ghosts and witches, using the given information!
“My Awesome School Planner”:

Ah, our old enemy... THE SCHOOL! Read the following tips, so you can survive...
Tip #1: Make a class schedule and put it on your wall. You might hate school, but you need to know your classes for the next day (or else)...
Tip #2: Do you have some bad grades? Well, it’s time for tough learning... Learn everyday and you will not regret this... So you can make the learning easier, you can write some important stuff on some little sheets of paper and keep them safely. You can look over them before your class (but no peeking during the lesson).
Tip #3: Homework, homework and homework... It’s simply too much for you! You know what’s the best part? If you do your homework, you can understand better the lesson from school and work some little exercises about it... Think about the free time you are going to have it after all of this frustrating work... :)
“My Fabulous Life”:

Everyone has a wonderful life, that’s for sure! Let’s try to remember all the little parts of your life (important or not, it doesn’t matter so much)...
Tip #1: Share your best memories. You can put photos of you and your family.
Tip #2: Use some pages for your own tippy-top secret diary... Tell all your secrets and some embarrassing moments from your life...
“My Very Cool Yearbook”:

Photos of you in the first, second, third etc. grades... Observe what changed to you every year... Maybe two-three pimples over here and there... Anyway, it’s a lovely memory from school (the one and only lovely memory from school!)...
Tip #1: Make a special page dedicated to your classmates! Write down every name of them and right next to them, write how he/she is (dork, freak, friendly, smart etc).
Tip #2: Professors are always annoying. Write down your thoughts about them and maybe you can put a silly photo with each of them (example: a Biology professor picking all the flowers from a park – he is not green!)! :)
“Ultimate Style Book”:

Calling out all the girls! I repeat: calling out all the girls! This book is perfect for every girl in the world!!! Calling out all the boys! I repeat: calling out all the boys! Boys, no peeking in the book (or else)...
Tip #1: Become a designer, doing your own clothes for dolls and so on... Imagine! You’re going to be famous! Isn’t it great? :)
Tip #2: You can “comment” some photos of stars on the red carpet. You can write if you like the worn clothes or not... Become a style commentator! :D
“Best Beauty Book Ever”:

Feel like a star by using a beauty book from the Best Friends’ Club book series!
Tip #1: The book contains a make-up kit. Use it carefully! You don’t want to spoil it, right?
Tip #2: For more extreme-fun, invite your friends by your house and make your super pajamas party! You can use the make-up kit and magically see your inner beauty! But, be careful when moms are around... You don’t want to give them a fright with the “too-red” lips and so on... :D
“Scrapbook Kit”:

Photos+secrets = One Cool Scrapbook!!!
Tip #1: Photos of you when you were little are always enchanting your family! You can put them on some pages and even make some arrows/speech bubbles saying, “Is that me???”
Tip #2: What was your best holiday? What’s your dream house? What are your hobbies? What’s your tippy-top secret dream/wish? This scrapbook is surely going to help you to feel like the best girl from the whole of the universe... This is your EXTRAORDINARY life!!! You also have some cool-sticky stickers for the scrapbook. Decorate the pages, so you can be more creative!
“Crushes, Blushes and Friends Forever”,

“Friends, Fall-Outs and Big Surprises”,

“Movies, Makeovers and Big Surprises”,

“Parties, Pajamas and Little Mysteries”:

Aleisha, Angel, Ella, Jude and Roxie’s adventures are not done! Read those fabulous stories to truly become a member of the Best Friends’ Club! (No tips now.)
Comment on my blog, by answering the following questions:
1. Who was your favorite character from my story? Why?
2. Which book was your favorite? Why?
3. Which tip(s) did you find useful?
Want to become a member of the Best Friends’ Club? Comment on my blog, by signing the Club Pledge (you can come up with your own rules!) and by completing the club questionnaire from my story!
I like it
ReplyDeleteThank you! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you! :)
ReplyDeletei have one but i want all
ReplyDeleteI have four: "Scrapbook Kit", "Club Kit", "Fun Facts" and "Movies, Makeovers and Big Surprises".
ReplyDeleteWhich book do you have? :)