The summer holiday came and Coraline with her parents wanted to go to the seaside. After a month, Coraline’s dad said: “I talked to my boss and he said that I could go to the seaside for a week!” Coraline was so happy! She liked to go to the seaside! She could swim in the sea, play with the sand and do many other exciting things! Before she left, Coraline told Wybie, one of her friends, something important: “Wybie, could you keep this key in a safe place, far from the other mother? This key is a magic one and if someone bad takes it, he/she could destroy the world with it!” “R-r-really?” Wybie said, worried. “Yep. That’s why I want you to keep the key in a secret place!” Coraline said. “Ok, Coraline, I promise that the key will be safe!” Wybie said. “Coraline, it’s time to go!” Coraline’s mother shouted. “Coming, mom! I’ve got to go! See you the next week, Wybie! Bye!” Coraline said, waving her hand. “Now, let’s see... where should I hide this key?” Wybie asked himself. Wybie thought f...