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Showing posts from February, 2010

Nunta lui Adrian

In vacanta de vara, pe 26 iulie (dupa ce ne-am intors de la Londra), am mers la prima mea nunta: nunta lui Adrian. Adrian este fiul Parintelui Stoleriu, nasul parintilor mei. Am fost imbracata cu o rochie alba, ca o domnisoara de onoare. Eu si cu Miriam aveam la mana bratari cu trandafiri adevarati. Lumea era deja in biserica si asteptam ca mirele si mireasa sa soseasca. Dupa un timp, au sosit. Mireasa tinea un buchet de flori in mana. Cand au ajuns in fata parintelui, acesta a inceput sa slujeasca. Eu am stat si am ascultat ce a zis parintele, dar m-am mai plimbat prin biserica cu tata si Miriam sau am mai mers sus, cu mama, unde canta corul. De acolo se vedeau toti oamenii. La nunta a fost si prietenul lui Miriam, Matei, un baietel de trei ani. El e foarte simpatic si se joaca cu Miriam de fiecare data cand se intalneste cu ea. Era si verisorul meu, Andrei. Parintii lui erau nasii mirilor. El a stat mult timp in picioare langa parintii lui, cu mirii, asa ca, mai tarziu, s-a asezat pe...

La Vatra Dornei

Vineri, 12 februarie, la 6:00 A.M., m-am trezit ca sa merg in excursie la Vatra Dornei cu mama, tata si Miriam. Inainte de a iesi din Iasi, s-a intamplat ceva ingrozitor. Mai intai, am mers la Petrom sa punem benzina, apoi am mers la Caremil pentru ca nu mergea un stergator. Si, cand ne apropiam de Caremil... brusc masina s-a oprit! Tatal meu incerca din rasputeri sa porneasca masina, dar nu reusea nicidecum! Masina se zguduia din toate incheieturile! Eu eram mirata si un pic speriata, iar Miriam tot plangea si intreba: “Unde mama? Unde tata? Nu mege masina! Oooo, Teo!” Imi era mila de ea! Niste barbati au impins masina pana in service. Tata a stat mult timp cu ei. Noi asteptam inauntru la Caremil. Dupa un timp, tata a sunat-o pe mama sa-i spuna ca in loc de benzina era apa! Asta a fost complet ciudat! Noi am fost la Petrom de o mie de ori sa punem benzina si nu s-a intamplat una ca asta pana acum! A durat o ora jumate ca barbatii sa scoata apa! Cand masina a fost reparata, era deja 10...

Jurnalul meu londonez

Miercuri, pe 8 iulie 2009, am plecat la Londra. Mai intai, am zburat de la Iasi la Viena. In timpul zborului, am jucat carti cu verisorul meu, Andrei. La aterizare mi s-a facut rau, dar cand am ajuns pe aeroportul din Viena, mi-am revenit. Inainte de a porni cu avionul Viena-Londra, vamesul austriac, care se uita in rucsacurile noastre sa vada daca n-avem lucruri periculoase (bauturi alcoolice, cutite, pistoale), mi-a aruncat sticla cu apa direct la gunoi! Am fost foarte trista! In al doilea avion, m-am simtit mult mai bine pentru ca, pe fiecare rand, era cate un monitor unde puteam vedea filme (am urmarit cateva episoade cu Shaun the Sheep, o oita care face multe glume). Tot pe acest monitor puteam urmari, pe o harta, cum avionul se apropia tot mai mult de Londra. In curand am auzit vocea capitanului care ne spunea ca vom ateriza pe aeroportul Heathrow. Am fost foarte fericita atunci, incat am inceput sa cant un cantec despre Londra, pe care l-am invatat de la mama! Iata cantecul: “Wh...

My First English Story about Angelina Ballerina by Teodora Leon

One day, Angelina and Alice went to Miss Lilly’s Ballet School to practice with their friends: William, Flora, Felicity, Gracie, Vici, Marco and A.J. There were the horrible Pinkpaws, Penelope and Priscilla, too! Angelina hated them so much! They were very stupid and bad with the others! When they arrived, the other friends were already there, at the ballet school. Angelina put her pink tutu and her pink ballet shoes on. She couldn’t wait to start dancing! "Hello, Miss Lilly!" said the mouselings when the ballet teacher arrived. "Good morning, my darlings! Are you ready to start dancing?" asked Miss Lilly. "Yes.” shouted the mouselings. "Good then! But, before we start, I have some news." said Miss Lilly. The mouselings gathered around her. "Madame Zizi called me yesterday to tell you that she wants to make a ballet show in Paris for the little mouselings at Disneyland!" Miss Lilly said. Angelina and Alice looked at each other amazed! ...

About Me

My name is Teodora Leon . I am ten. My favorite color is pink. I like Angelina Ballerina . She is a cool mouseling and I’ve got lots of books with her from London and Amazon ! I also have got two bags with her: one of them is pink and the other one is blue. I’ve got some cartoons with Angelina from the British Council , too! My best friends are Andreea, Teodora, her sister, and Vlad . They are my classmates and, this weekend, they came to my house after our English class with my Godmother. We celebrated my birthday. We had so much fun! And then, my mom and dad brought the cake. When I saw the cake, I was amazed! The cake was with Angelina Ballerina! I was very happy! This cake was made by Stefana Budeanu , a very talented lady who makes wonderful cakes! After we ate the cake, me and my friends played other fantastic games! When it was time to go, we said goodbye to each other and I gave them a little present with a CD with all the photos from the party. The next day, after we went to t...