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Showing posts from January, 2018

Teodora’s Movie Reviews: “Wonder” (2017)

Back in 2013 I wrote a review (in Romanian) for R. J. Palacio’s book called “Wonder”. I would have never thought it would become my all-time most viewed post on my blog. Even for the past week it has registered over 300 entries. I suppose it’s no wonder I wanted to watch the movie and decide whether it lived up to my expectations. And I assume it’s still no wonder why I absolutely loved it. *This review contains spoilers* “Wonder” features the bumpy life of August Pullman (Jacob Tremblay) throughout the course of a school year. Auggie is a fifth-grader with a rare facial deformity known as either mandibulofacial dysostosis or Treacher Collins Syndrome. As soon as the movie started, I recalled one of Auggie’s famous sentences from the book: “I won’t describe to you what I look like; whatever you’re thinking, it’s probably worse.” I remember perfectly well how I would try to imagine the boy’s face in the most hideous ways possible. At some point I even told myself that a movie would...

Teodora’s Book Reviews: “Turtles All the Way Down” by John Green (Penguin Random House Books, London, 2017)

I often find myself asking if John Green will ever write a better, more emotional book than “The Fault in Our Stars”. Naturally, when I heard that a new story called “Turtles All the Way Down” was on its way, I couldn’t help but feel excited. As soon as I had the book on my own shelf, I told myself that it would definitely be a page-turner. And indeed it was... only during the first half of the story. From the first moment I realized it was no mystery book (as it seemed to be), that initial spark of interest I had slowly started to drift away. Rating books is usually not difficult for me. I figure out straight away what I like about a specific story. However, “Turtles All the Way Down” was an exception. Even now, as I’m writing this, I find it extremely hard to describe the way I truly feel about it. We meet a 16-year-old troubled narrator, Aza Holmes, who is trying to be a good daughter, friend and student. She somehow manages to live a balanced life... that is until she gets stuc...

Interviu cu actriţa Ada Lupu (Teatrul Naţional „Vasile Alecsandri” Iaşi)

Ada Lupu, cea mai îndrăgită actriţă din generaţia tânără, şi-a făcut debutul pe scena Teatrului Naţional din Iaşi în 2013, cu rolul Ofelia din „Hamletmachine” (regia: Giorgos Zamboulakis). De atunci a jucat o varietate mare de roluri, cele din stagiunea 2017-2018 fiind Vivianne din „Colivia” de Georges Feydeau (2015, regia: Cristian Hadji-Culea), Mary din „Cântăreaţa cheală” de Eugène Ionesco (2015, regia: Radu Alexandru Nică), Povestitoarea din „UNU + UNU...” (2016, regia: Lucian Dan Teodorovici), Fiica din „Măcelăria lui Iov” de Fausto Paravidino (2017, regia: Radu Afrim), Ludmila Cliofas din „Seceta roşie”, după „Cartea foametei” de Larisa Turea (2017, regia: Petru Hadârcă) şi Cristina din „Moartea unui artist” de Horia Lovinescu (2017, regia: Irina Popescu-Boieru). Am avut ocazia (şi plăcerea) de a vorbi cu Ada Lupu despre piesa sa de tip one-woman show, „Povestea păsării fără cuib”, despre pregătirea rolurilor sale diverse şi importanţa teatrului în viaţa ei. Teodora Leon : Aţ...