Have you ever read “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain? No? What a shame, it’s a wonderful story! You have to read it... immediately! If you will not read it, you will not understand 100% this story... with Angelina... Let’s begin our story... But, attention, you must read “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” first... and before that, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”. Do you get it? Good, then we can start...
It was summer holiday and all Angelina’s friends (except for Alice) were gone to the seaside or in the mountains. But Angelina didn’t mind. She was having a wonderful time. She had just finished reading “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” (see, even Angelina read it!) and was thinking: “What a wonderful story I just read... I wish I could be like Huck...”. And, then, she realized that she could... with a little imagination and some help from Alice, she could be EXACTLY like Huck. Angelina rushed downstairs to phone Alice. “Angelina, what’s going on?” Mrs. Mouseling asked. “I’ve got to phone Alice!” Angelina answered. “Why? Is there another Treetop Club meeting?” Mrs. Mouseling asked. “No, mom. I’ve just got a brilliant idea. I’m going to play with Alice and pretend that we are Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn!” Angelina said. “That sounds wonderful, dear! I’m glad you are playing creative games!” Mrs. Mouseling said and went into the kitchen to feed Polly. “Hi, Alice. I just had a wonderful idea. Let’s meet in the park and I’ll tell you there everything! Bye, bye!” Angelina said. “I am going in the park. See you later mom, bye!” Angelina said. “Okay, Angelina, have a good time!” Mrs. Mouseling said and went back to work.
Alice came just in time. Angelina was waiting for her under a tree. “Hi, Alice! Thank God you are here! I’ve got something brilliant to tell you!” Angelina said. “Okay, tell me! Any cheese pop?” Alice asked. “No, thanks! Here’s the plan: I just finished reading “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”. I was thinking that I could be Tom Sawyer and you could be Huckleberry Finn. We could have our own adventures!” Angelina said, piroueting. “Angelina, that’s great! The problem is that I haven’t read this book so I don’t know what to do...” Alice said, worried. “Don’t worry, Alice, you don’t need to know a lot of things from this story. All you need to know that Huck is Tom’s best friend. Leave the rest to me...” Angelina said. Alice took another cheese pop. Angelina thought. “Alice, go to Miller’s Pond and ask Captain Miller if he could give us a boat.” she said. “For what?” Alice asked. “Is it for our game?” she continued. Angelina agreed. “I’m going back to my house to get some nice costumes from my Grandma’s old dressing-up box.” Angelina said and ran away.
After an hour later, the two friends met at the Miller’s Pond. Alice had a boat next to her and Angelina brought two costumes and a map. “Are we going to play here?” Alice asked. “Yeah, we could... I was thinking that we could play first at the river... but I guess that it wouldn’t hurt to play here, at the pond...” Angelina said.
Angelina and Alice dressed up with the costumes. Angelina showed Alice the map. “Is it a real map with a real treasure?” Alice asked excited. “No, Alice, don’t be so silly. It’s a fake map, made it by me” Angelina said. “We’re going to use it as a real map, of course...” she continued.
In the meantime, Sammy and Spike, the two naughty mouselings, were watching Angelina and Alice from behind the bushes. “Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn? A fake map with a fake treasure, too? Interesting...” Sammy said, thinking for a moment. “Who is Tom Sawyer? And Buckle... Huckle...” Spike said, but he was interrupted by Sammy. “Oh, shut up, you! I’m trying to think here. We can’t let those little ballerinas take OUR treasure...”. “But Angelina said that they’re going to have a fake treasure!” Spike said. “It has to be something special... come on, let’s follow them.” Sammy said, pulling Spike after him.
Alice was driving the boat and Angelina was thinking. Maybe she could make her own story like Tom or Huck... “The Adventures of Angelina Mouseling” by... Angelina Mouseling. Yeah, it could be wonderful... Angelina even had the beginning for her book... “Once upon a time, in the land of mouselings, lived two best friends named Angelina Mouseling and Alice Nimbletoes. They had a lot of adventures... at school, in holidays... One day, they even started to have a voyage with their boat, down the river, to find a new treasure...”. Angelina was interrupted when she heard some screams. There were Sammy and Spike! “We’re going to find the treasure!” Sammy shouted. “Think again, Sammy Watts!” Angelina said, angry. “Go faster, Alice!” she continued. Alice took the oars and went faster and faster down the long, long river...
“Two enemies, Sammy Watts and Spike Shelldon, were following Angelina and Alice. They wanted to find the treasure! Who knows what will happen next...”.
There’s no use telling you what words came into Angelina’s mind. If I’ll tell you, you will get bored (I think). Angelina imagined all that exciting race like an adventure just like one of Huck’s... She is right! You should do that (if you want) after you read a book: imagine that you are part in any story, too.
Of course, Angelina and Alice won “the race”. Without the map, it was harder for the two boys. They were shocked when they saw that the treasure was... a picnic basket with yummy food inside! “Mozzarella and cheese pops! The treasure is a picnic basket?!”. “Why, yes! How could I get a real treasure with gold and jewels? By the way, the real treasure is that we had fun and used our imaginations, right?” Angelina said. Sammy and Spike realized that Angelina was right... They really had some fun...
“The four little mouselings had fun at their picnic and never forgot their wonderful adventure... their exciting voyage...”.
The End
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