It was winter. Outside it was snowing. It was a very beautiful sight everywhere you looked! Christmas was approaching, too! Araminta and Wanda, the two best friends, were helping their parents to decorate the Christmas tree. The star on the top of it was shining more brighter than ever! “I can’t hardly wait for Christmas!” Araminta said. “Me, too! I’m going to get a new bike, a puppy, new rollerblades, a gumball machine...” Wanda said, but she was interrupted. “Whoa, slow down, Wanda! Maybe Santa Claus can’t bring you all of these. Am I right or wrong?” Araminta asked. “Yes, you’re right... He will bring more toys than I wished for!” Wanda shouted happily. Araminta sighed. “Come on, dears, it’s time for bed!” Aunt Tabby said. Araminta and Wanda went upstairs to their bedroom. “Can you believe that tomorrow is Christmas Eve?” Wanda asked with wide eyes. “No, I’m really looking forward to get my presents from Santa Claus...” Araminta said dreamily.
The next morning, Aunt Tabby went to the girls’ bedroom to wake up them and tell them something. “Wake up, my dears! I have some kind of bad news for you...” she said. “That’s the hello we get in the morning?” Wanda asked, yawning. “Do you remember the Christmas party we were invited to?” Aunt Tabby asked. “Why, of course! We’re so looking forward to this!” the both girls said happily. “Well, the problem is that this Chirstmas party is only for adults, not for children.” Aunt Tabby said. “What??? That can’t be true!” Araminta said shocked. “I’m afraid that is, Araminta! You and Wanda will remain home for the rest of the night. We will be back the next morning when you’re going to open your presents, okay?” Aunt Tabby said. “We don’t want to stay in the house, we want to go with you!!!” Araminta said, stomping her leg on the floor. “Araminta, behave yourself! I’m sure that you will have a great time with Wanda!” Aunt Tabby said and went out of the room. “Yeah, really great time, indeed!” Araminta said upset. “Sometimes adults are lucky than children...” Wanda said, sighing. “Are you kidding me? They’re always luckier than us!” Araminta said angrily.
In the evening Araminta and Wanda were watching sadly Aunt Tabby, Uncle Drak and Wanda’s parents preparing for the Christmas party. “Goodbye, Araminta! Goodbye, Wanda! Have fun!” Aunt Tabby said and went outside with the others, closing the door behind her. “So, what shall we do? Play Monopoly? Eat cheese and onion chips?” Wanda asked. “No.” Araminta said. “Have a pillow fight? Watch TV?” Wanda continued asking. “No.” Araminta answered again. “Drink orange juice? Play with some toys?” Wanda asked. “NO!” Araminta shouted. “I’m too angry to think of anything else!” she continued. “Relax, Araminta! I’m sure that we will have a wonderful time!” Wanda said, taking from the kitchen a cheese and onion chips bag. “You’re starting to act like Aunt Tabby!” Araminta said. She went upstairs into her bedroom and slammed the door. Wanda looked at the sparkling Christmas tree. She sighed. To be honest, she really was upset about not going to the party...
Later, in the same evening, Araminta and Wanda were sleeping in their beds. They forgot about the Christmas party and had a really great time! They played Monopoly and Hide and Seek in the huge house, they watched a horror movie on TV (they like horror movies), had a pillow fight before bedtime, ate cheese and onion chips, popcorn and some pizza made by Wanda’s mom and looked for a lot of time on the window at the falling snowflakes. They were very tired now! They slept for two hours when they were waken up by a strange noise. “What was that?” Wanda asked scared. “I don’t know! Let’s get downstairs to see what had happened.” Araminta said, taking a torch. She and Wanda tiptoed on the stairs and went into the kitchen. They were very surprised to find a little vampire eating tomato ketchup from the fridge. “Who are you?” Araminta asked with a loud voice. The vampire took no notice. Wanda was too scared to move or to say anything. “Who are you?” Araminta asked again, approaching the strange creature. The vampire looked at the two girls and made two, large eyes. He approached now Araminta and Wanda. “Human blood! I want human blood!!!” the vampire shouted and started to run straight ahead to the two friends. Araminta and Wanda screamed and started to run, too! The vampire chased on every corridor the two girls. Araminta and Wanda’s screams even woke up Sir Horace and Edmund, the two ghosts of the Spookie house. “What’s going on?” Sir Horace asked, yawning. His voice sounded like an echo. “Araminta and Wanda are screaming. I think something bad happened to them. Come on, let’s go!” Edward said.
The two ghosts found Araminta and Wanda hidden under their bed shivering. “What’s going on?” Edward said. “A vampire is in our house! He wants to drink our blood!” Wanda said. “Don’t worry, Misses Spookie and Mag, we’re going to take care of you!” Sir Horace said and a bolt got out from his neck. “Thank you, Sir Horace! You’re very kind! But I’m afraid there’s nothing you can do about it...” Araminta said, putting the bolt on the right place. Then, there was a knock on the door. “It’s the vampire! Help!!!” Wanda screamed, running around the room. “Be quiet, you!” Araminta said. The door opened and the vampire came in. “Um... is there any adult in this house?” the vampire asked with a childish voice. “No, why?” Araminta asked. “Well, I prefer the adult’s blood, not the kid’s... you know, it’s much more sweeter!” the vampire said. “That’s not true! The children have sweet blood! That’s why mosquitoes are drinking most of children’s blood!” Wanda said. Araminta stomped Wanda’s left foot. “Ouch!” Wanda screamed. “Don’t listen to her, she’s crazy... Yes, there aren’t any adults in this house so you can get back from where you come!” Araminta said. “I can’t!” the vampire said, showing his little sharp teeth. “Why not?” Araminta asked. “I used one of my mom’s magic spells and just got into your house! I can’t get back home, not until my mommy and daddy are coming to get me...” the vampire said. Araminta sighed. “You used that magic spell from a book?” Wanda asked. “Yes, and I still have it!” the vampire said, showing the book. “Give it to me!” Araminta shouted, taking the book from the vampire’s hand. “Hey, be careful with that!” the vampire said, trying to get the magic book back. “I need it for a while. In the meantime, you can play with our two ghosts.” Araminta said. “What???” Edward asked shocked. “My pleasure, Miss Spookie! We’ll take care of him!” Sir Horace said and went with Edward and the little vampire downstairs.
Araminta and Wanda looked for hours in the book of spells, but still didn’t find any perfect spell to make the vampire disappear. They were very tired, too, but they couldn’t let any vampire in their house, could they? Aunt Tabby would be really shocked! She could hardly live with two ghosts, but with a vampire now? It was too much! “I really need to find that... stupid spell!” Araminta said, stomping her foot on the floor. Edward came into the room. “What is it, Edward?” Wanda asked. “The vampire is out of control! He’s really gone mad! He crushed Sir Horace into pieces and put tomato ketchup everywhere in the hall!!!” Edward said. Araminta and Wanda ran downstairs to see the horrible and messy scene. “Oh, no! What a mess! Aunt Tabby will kill us!” Araminta said. “Don’t worry about this! I’ll clean all the hall from the ketchup. But, please, find the perfect spell quickly!” Edward said. Araminta took the book, looked for five minutes in it and then said: “I found it! I found it, I found it!!!”. “Read it aloud!” Wanda said. “Broccoli, toad eyes and dead rat/Get this vampire back to his flat” the poem said and, when Araminta read aloud the spell, the little vampire disapperead. “Phew, at last!” Wanda said. “I’ll go clean the tomato ketchup.” Edward said. “No, Ed, we’re going to help you! Wanda, help Edward clean the tomato ketchup. I will put Sir Horace back into pieces.” Araminta said.
All the work was ready at five o’clock A.M. The two girls were exhausted! They went into bed and went straight to sleep. Aunt Tabby, Uncle Drak and Wanda’s parents were back at six o’clock. They found the Christmas tree surrounded by many wonderful presents. “Hmmm, I wonder where are the girls...” Aunt Tabby asked herself. She went upstairs to Araminta and Wanda’s bedroom. There was a note on the door saying: “100% tired! Don’t open the presents! A and W”.
That was really an unexpected visit from a vampire on Chirstmas, wasn’t it?
The End
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