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Showing posts from March, 2011

Un alt weekend plin (Ziua lui Miriam)

Zilele trecute am sarbatorit ziua lui Miriam. Vineri ne-am intalnit cu Raluca. Miri a primit de la ea un tigru alb cu dungi negre si o trusa de desen. A fost foarte bucuroasa ca a primit cadouri foarte frumoase! Sambata eu cu mama, tata, Miri si Andrei am mers la Cinema City sa vedem filmul Gnomeo and Juliet. Mi-a placut filmul! Apoi am mancat la mall. Duminica seara, Constantin, Dumitru si Maria au venit la noi acasa. Eu cu Constantin am jucat Monopoly toata seara, in timp ce Miri s-a jucat cu Dumitru si Maria. Ei s-au uitat si la Winnie the Pooh si Ice Age. Ce pacat ca n-a putut sa vina Luca! Miri a primit o carte frumoasa cu zanele, iar eu o esarfa foarte draguta. M-am distrat de minune zilele trecute! Ma bucur ca si Miri s-a simtit bine! P.S. Am cumparat de la Carturesti cele doua volume cu ,,Jurnalul unui pusti”. Abia astept sa le citesc!

Miriam's Birthday

Today is a special day: it’s Miriam’s birthday! I’m so happy that my little sister is four! The bad thing is that she is sick...I was sick, too, on my birthday! But we still celebrated this wonderful day with a chocolate cake and champagne with Tom and Jerry. Miriam was so happy! She really liked her cake, especially her gift (a Strawberry Shortcake swimming pool). It’s really cool! I’m really happy to have such a wonderful sister! Maybe next week (when Miriam is going to be much better), we will go to a restaurant with Raluca and have more fun! Wouldn’t that be great? Happy Birthday, Miriam! I wish you a happy day!

Teodora and Miriam’s Adventure by Teodora Leon

It was summer. It was very sunny and beautiful outside! But Teodora and Miriam were bored...Why? All their best friends were gone in different places: Vlad was at Disneyland to take autographs from his favorite characters, Teodora and Andreea went to the seaside with their mother and their dog, Teddy, and Cezara and Rares were in Paris with Cezara’s parents. What a pity that the two sisters, Teodora and Miriam, weren’t going anywhere that summer... One day, Teodora decided to go in an expedition with Miriam. “This expedition will be great!” Teodora shouted happily. “But don’t we have to tell mom and dad where are we going? They could get mad or worry if we don’t tell them...” Miriam said, who was unsure about the expedition. “Oh, no, Miriam, this expedition is top secret! Nobody has to know about it!” Teodora said. After a while, Miriam told her parents about the expedition. Teodora sighed. What can you expect from a little girl who is only four? But luckily, mom and dad let Teodora an...

Sick Days... :(

Sunt bolnava si stau in casa de mult timp...E foarte plictisitor! Mai citesc, ma mai joc cateodata cu Miri...Sper ca ma voi face bine in curand! Ieri am fost si la spital unde mi s-a luat sange pentru analize. Nu m-a durut! :) P.S. Intr-o zi, am luat de la Carturesti opt carti (pana si Miri si-a luat una cu Rapunzel). Astept cu nerabdare sa citesc ,,Enciclopedia zmeilor” de Mircea Cartarescu! Insa, mai intai, trebuie sa termin Odiseea...Imi place foarte mult!