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Showing posts from May, 2010

Cu mama la scoala

In aceasta dimineata, eu si cu Miriam am mers cu mama la scoala. Miriam s-a uitat la Alice in Wonderland, Shaun the Sheep, The Penguins of Madagascar si Tom si Jerry. Eu am mai desenat pe tabla, am scris in jurnal si am mai ascultat ce le mai spunea mama studentilor. Le-am luat cu mine si pe Lilly si Rainbow. Mama este o profesoara foarte buna si studentii erau foarte atenti. M-am simtit bine la scoala la mama si sper sa mai merg!

Our Adventure in Wonderland by Teodora Leon

One day I was playing with my sister and friends. We were celabrating Andreea’s birthday. Everybody brought their bikes and Miriam brought her tricycle. Suddenly, I saw a big hole. “Look there! What is it?” I asked. “It’s a big hole. I wonder who made it.” Vlad said. “Let’s see it closer!” Teodora said. “Be careful, you could fall down!” Andreea said. But it was too late. Teodora fell into the big hole. “Teoooo! Where are you?” asked Miriam, scared. “Everybody, after Teodora!” I shouted. We let our bikes under a big tree and went after Teodora. While we were falling down we saw books and jars with jam around us. There was a bed and a piano, too! “I wonder where we are gonna land.” Vlad said, bored. Soon we landed on a floor. There was Teodora, too! “I know this place...” Teodora said, looking around. “Me, too!” Andreea said. “This place is familiar.” I said. “Look, there are some doors over there!” Miriam said, pointing to the doors. “One of them is little... like in a story that I rea...

Un alt weekend plin

Sambata dimineata, pe 22 mai, eu cu Vlad si alti colegi am mers la Testul Cambridge. In pauze am vorbit cu Vlad si am jucat afara "Sticluta cu otrava” si "Imparate, imparate”. Mai spre sfarsit, cand erau mai putini copii, eu cu Vlad si cu alti copii mai mici de la Starters am jucat "Mata" (eu cu Vlad asteptam sa intram la proba de Speaking pentru ca eram ultimii). A fost bine la Testul Cambridge, dar rezultatele le vom avea abia in toamna. Pentru ca am mers la Testul Cambridge, mama mi-a luat adidasii violeti (din imagine) cu steagul Marii Britanii. Cool! :) In aceeasi zi, dupa-amiaza, eu cu Teodora si Vlad am mers la Cinema City sa vedem "How to train your dragon”. Din pacate, Andreea n-a putut sa vina (ea a mers la o petrecere). Cel mai tare lucru a fost ca noi am stat singuri la film, in timp ce mamele noastre au mers prin magazine! Toti trei ne-am simtit ca niste adulti! :) Duminica am mers in Gradina Botanica si am sarbatorit ziua lui Constantin, un priete...

Dreaming of London...

Here's one of my uncle's articles about our trip to London (he writes about me :) )... And here are some nice pics of London... Resting for a while in St James' Park (and my sis on London sky)... The end of "the Mall": Admiralty Arch... Trafalgar Square... Writing in my diary at Westminster Abbey... Well, the Buckingham Palace guarded by the "Bobs", but also by the "Red Coats"... The River Thames and Big Ben... London Eye... A closer pic of London Eye... It is really huge! At the London Zoo, next to a meerkat... Do you know how this place was called? Honest Sausage. :)) We had a great lunch that day. Location: Regent Park... The only raindrops we "enjoyed" in London: Tower of London... Walking by the River Thames... The City Hall of London... Tower Bridge... The Globe Theatre... London Soft Ice Cream... :) Have you seen the latest "Harry Potter"? This is the Millennium Bri...

The Expedition by Teodora Leon

One day, Strawberry Shortcake, Angel Cake, Rainbow Sherbet, Blueberry Muffin, Apple Dumplin, Cherry Blossom, Cherry Cake, Plum Pudding, Banana Candy and Watermelon Kiss were having a picnic. Strawberry brought some sandwiches filled with strawberry jam. Angel Cake, Rainbow Sherbet and Blueberry Muffin had brought some muffins. Apple Dumplin brought some apples, Cherry Blossom with her little sister, Cherry Cake, brought some cherries. Plum Pudding, Banana Candy and Watermelon Kiss brought some plums, puddings, bananas, candies and watermelons. When they finished eating, they didn’t know what to do. Suddenly, Strawberry said: “Hey, I’ve got an idea! We can go on an expedition!” “That’s a good idea, Strawberry, but what can we do in this expedition?” asked Angel Cake. “Well... I don’t know. I haven’t thought about that!” Strawberry said. Everybody thought for a moment. “We can go to The Land of Sweets!” Rainbow Sherbet suggested. "Good idea! But how we’re gonna get there? The Land o...

Despre prietenii mei

In aceasta postare este vorba despre prietenii mei cei mai buni: Andreea, Teodora si Vlad. Fiecare dintre ei este special... Vlad este amuzant si este bun la toate materiile, mai ales la matematica. Cu Teodora ma inteleg atat de bine, ne jucam impreuna si niciodata nu ne certam, iar Andreea este intelegatoare cu toti si vrea sa fie toata lumea fericita. Eu ma intalnesc cu prietenii mei la scoala si dupa ore mai ramanem un pic in curtea scolii sa ne jucam (si Miriam este alaturi de noi). Cateodata mai mergem si in Parcul Copou. Mergem in fiecare sambata la Palatul Copiilor, la orele de engleza cu nasa mea, Raluca. Vlad merge cu mine si la BritTeen si aproape in fiecare seara vorbim pe Yahoo! Messenger si ne jucam pe Club Penguin, SmallWorlds si Webkinz. Ma bucur ca am trei prieteni foarte buni! Cel mai important lucru este ca ne intelegem toti foarte bine!