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Showing posts from April, 2017

Teodora’s Book Reviews: “Gormless Gods and Hapless Heroes – Tim Baker and the Ancient Curse” by Stella Tarakson (Sweet Cherry Publishing, Leicester, 2017)

The first book in the brand new series written by Stella Tarakson, Gormless Gods and Hapless Heroes , features an intriguing mix-up of Greek mythology and modern life. Tim Baker, the protagonist of the story, who happens to be a caring and hard-working boy, meets Hercules, the mighty but slow-witted demigod. Who would have thought that a Greek character would want to blend in with modern people? As shown in the book, the whole accommodation process turns out to be very challenging. But that’s the beauty of the entire story, after all. At first, the plot is quite predictable and standard. Tim Baker lives only with his mother (as his father is dead) and they both work hard in order to keep themselves afloat and hopefully build up a much easier life. Tim’s mother has two jobs and works long hours every single day. She is also a writer who unfortunately has been rejected by many publishers. As for the boy, he struggles with doing housework, going to school and facing his bullies who ca...

Teodora’s Movie Reviews: “Beauty and the Beast” (2017)

We have all become used to Disney turning its classic animations into modern movies (with their own little twists). We have seen Alice Kingsleigh returning to Wonderland as a young, courageous and strong-minded lady. We have experienced the tale of Sleeping Beauty through Maleficent’s perspective, an intriguing unreliable narrator. We have gone deeper into Cinderella’s life and family problems, and ended up loving her even more. Gradually, every single animation will be an exciting live-action remake. The year of 2017 is clearly off to a good start, thanks to the brand new movie, “Beauty and the Beast” (directed by Bill Gondon). There are plenty of good reasons to explain the desperate waiting of so many viewers. Some people wanted to relive their childhood through the lovable story of Belle and her Beast, while others (the Harry Potter fans, to be more precise) were curious to watch Hermione Granger (Emma Watson) as a peculiar French girl with “a dreamy far-off look and her nose st...

Interviu cu actriţa Haruna Condurache (Teatrul Național „Vasile Alecsandri” Iași)

Haruna Condurache a absolvit Universitatea de Arte „George Enescu” din Iaşi în 1998 (clasa profesorilor Sergiu Tudose şi Monica Bordeianu). Debutul pe scena Teatrului Naţional din Iaşi a avut loc în anul 2001 cu rolul Manon din „Omul din cerc” de Cristina Tamaş (regia: Ovidiu Lazăr). De atunci Haruna Condurache a avut mai mult de 30 de roluri în diverse piese, câteva din cele mai importante fiind Ziţa din „O noapte furtunoasă” de I. L. Caragiale (2010, regia: Alexandru Dabija), Veronique Houille din „Zeul măcelului” de Yasmina Reza (2010, regia: Cristian Hadji-Culea), Maşa din „Trei surori” de A. P. Cehov (2012, regia: Cristian Hadji-Culea), Sylvia din „Arborele nopţii” de Truman Capote (2014, regia: Irina Popescu-Boieru), Lucette din „Colivia” de Georges Feydeau (2015, regia: Cristian Hadji-Culea). Motto-ul ei în viaţă este „Toate lucrurile îmi sunt îngăduite, dar nu toate îmi sunt de folos” (1 Corinteni 6:12). Teodora Leon : Publicul ieşean (şi nu numai) vă ştie din numeroasel...

Arta şi stelele se întâlnesc la „şcoala altfel”, la „Joia lecturii”

În perioada 27-31 martie 2017, în cadrul săptămânii „şcoala altfel”, la Colegiul Naţional „Costache Negruzzi” din Iaşi s-au desfăşurat două proiecte tradiţionale, Science Week şi Art’s Week. Pe parcursul acestei săptămâni, atât elevii, cât şi profesorii au observat armonia dintre ştiinţele reale şi cele umaniste. Ştiinţa este arta de a descoperi şi a înţelege realitatea din jur, iar arta este ştiinţa de a prelucra realitatea şi de a o privi din mai multe perspective. În acest an, am avut posibilitatea de a mă implica în derularea proiectului Art’s Week, având mereu în minte o replică faimoasă din filmul „Dead Poets Society”: „We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race, and the human race is filled with passion. Medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love... these are what we stay alive for.” Aflându-se la cea de-a VIII-a ediţie, Art’s Week le-a oferit elevilor libertatea de a-...