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Showing posts from April, 2012

Vacanta de primavara

A fost foarte frumos in vacanta de primavara! A inceput cu primirea rezultatelor de la KET: am luat Pass with Distinction. :) Am vopsit oua cu tata si Miri. Am vospit si oua de prepelita (aratau ca niste mici buburuze). :) Dupa ce am stat toata noaptea la Slujba Invierii, m-am intors acasa, unde am gasit cadouri minunate de la mama si tata: patru carti (printre care “Insemnarile unei pustoaice 2”) si o bicicleta noua. De Paste am avut ocazia sa stau cu toata familia mea. Am ciocnit oua rosii cu totii.. :) Mi-a parut rau ca a plouat aproape toata vacanta... Dar tot am putut sa ma intalnesc cu Cezi, Iusti si Lori. Ne-am distrat foarte bine! La multi ani, Cezi! Ai cantat foarte frumos la chitara! In ultima zi de vacanta am iesit in parc cu bicicleta. M-am intalnit din nou cu Cezi. Impreuna ne-am plimbat prin parc, bucurandu-ne de ultimele clipe de vacanta... Chiar imi pare rau ca s-a sfarsit vacanta... Vin si tezele... Insa abia a...

The Secret Garden by Teodora Leon

It was a lovely day in the Flowertot Garden. Fifi Forget-Me-Not was in her garden. She was planting some seeds. Mo, her car, was watching her. “See, Mo? This is how you plant some seeds.” Fifi said. She took her yellow watering can and watered the seeds. There, everything was done! Fifi took a rest. She sat at her table in the garden and started to drink some lemonade. It was really hot that day! Fifi was about to go in her house when, suddenly, she met Primrose and Violet. They were carrying backpacks. “Hello, Primrose and Violet! What’s going on? Are you going somewhere?” Fifi asked. “We were so bored, so we decided to go in an adventure!” Primrose said. “We took some food and water. At night, we will sit under the stars!” Violet said. The two sisters were very pleased. “It sounds really nice! When are you going to be back?” Fifi asked. “Tomorrow, at noon. This adventure won’t take long. We just want to have an exciting day!” Primrose said. “Okay, then! Have a nice trip!” Fifi said. ...