Have you read the “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” books? Yes? Good for you, I’ve read them, too! I think that they are the best books ever! I like how Greg writes in his diary! And, you know what? I thought that it might be great to do my own diary and be kind of a wimpy kid, just like Greg! It will be just like in Do-It-Yourself book! P.S. Don’t panic when you see my pictures (I’m not so good at drawing...)!
Let me just start by saying: Hi, my name is Teodora. I live in a house with my parents and with my little sister, Miriam. I like reading books and I have many friends! I just finished the 4th grade and, this autumn, I’ll be in the 5th grade! I don’t know if it’s true or not, but many children told me that it’s HORRIBLE in the 5th grade... But I think that sometimes, they exaggerate!
Summer just started and I’m very bored... None of my friends called me to go out and play or do anything else... Vlad is at his grandparents’ house. I told him many times that if he’s not in the city, I’m very bored... But, I don’t think that he’ll ever understand this...
I haven’t seen Teodora and Andreea (they’re sisters) for a very long time and Cezara and Rares (they’re cousins) still don’t come in the park... The weather is bad, too, so, I think that this summer will be a little bit boring...
Let me introduce a bit my family... Let’s just start with my sister. Miriam is only a 4-year-old girl and sometimes she can be good and sometimes she can be a little pest! I don’t know why, but Miriam changes her mind A LOT! A week ago, I asked her what’s her favorite color. She told me that it’s purple, but the next day:
Yesterday, she told me that I’m the best sister ever, but after a while, she said:
I don’t know why did she say that... I didn’t do anything to her! Sometimes, she can be very strange!...
I don’t know what to say about my parents... I think Miriam is the one who doesn’t like me so much...
It’s raining outside (great!) and I have to stay in the house. I’m a little bit bored... Luckily, I have things to do, like reading or playing on the internet. Soon it will be Vlad’s birthday... I hope he will make a party!... God, I don’t even know what gift I will buy for him!... Last night I even had a dream abut this. Vlad was very rude (especially to me, but I don’t know why...). I just gave him a new Webkinz pet and do you know what he said? DO YOU KNOW WHAT HE SAID??? He...oh, never mind, you can see in my drawing...
So, probably, I shouldn’t buy a Webkinz pet (or anything else from Webkinz World) for Vlad! The dream seemed so real.
I don’t know about you, but I haven’t got any plans for the summer holiday yet. My mom and dad are going to have their vacation in August!!! I have to wait another month! Great! I wish we could go to London...or Paris...or to the seaside??? OMG, I’m starting to be like my parents! They can’t just decide a destination!!!
I don’t know what else to say...Nothing happens here, in my house...Miriam is starting to behave like a strange kid. She won’t let me touch any of her toys and books!
But, you know what? She always looks in my magazines and she makes a lot of mess in my room!!! How unfair is that???
Well, since there is nothing special to be told, let’s just talk about my past...
I don’t think that you are interested in my life at the kindergarten, so let’s just start with my life at school. It wasn’t so cool in the first, second or the third grade (at all!)! TERRIBLE teacher with TERRIBLE kids... But that’s how I met Vlad and Teodora! After I became friends with Teodora, I met Andreea, too!
In that class, we’re super-super-crazy kids!!! There were three STUPID kids I will never forget: Dark Angel, Empty Head and Dorky Boy. Of course, these names are only nicknames.
In the fourth grade I finally moved to another class...Oooohh, this was the best school year in my whole life!!! The teacher was brilliant and so were the kids! I met Cezara and Rares there...They are my BEST friends! This school year was definitely the BEST!...
I don’t know what else to say...Maybe tomorrow will happen something special...or not so special.
Dear Diary (oops, did I just say “Dear Diary”?),
Things turn out from bad to worse between me and Miriam. She is starting to be very annoying and, well, a little bit stupid. But, believe me, that’s how the little sisters and brothers are!...She is yelling at me NON-STOP!!! And she always says stupid things that they aren’t true...She blames me (for nothing) when my mom and dad are around...
I think she doesn’t like “Don’t be mad, brother!” (it’s a game) and I don’t know why, but she begs me to play with her that. She always says that I’m not playing fair or that I win every time (that’s not true). And, guess what? I’m always the one who is grounded...Well, not exactly, but whatever...
Outside it’s cloudy, but I still went out with Cezara and Rares in the park this morning.
We went to my secret club and played for a while. Vlad and I made the club (Best Friends’ Club) and last year, Vlad got stung by a bee (hee, hee, that was a funny part!). From that moment on, Vlad didn’t want to go to the secret club any more, so I decided that we can have two clubs: one with bees and flowers (I don’t mind...or do I?) and another one with only trees around. So, as I was saying, I was playing at the secret club (the one with flowers around, of course, the other one is not so secret...) with Cezara and Rares and suddenly, we saw something ULTRA disgusting!!! Before I say what we saw, I must ask you something: do you know the Cheese Touch? If you read the first book with Greg, I think you do! Well, we found right next to a tree...we found...I can’t say it! It’s TOO disgusting!!! All right, I’m going to tell you! We found...meat! Not cheese, meat! It stank like a rotten egg! Ewwww, that was REALLY disgusting!!! I think someone discovered our not-so-secret club, though...
While we were looking at the meat, a dog came and touched the meat (well, he actually smelled it, but I saw he touched it a bit with the top of its nose)! Guess what happened next!!! Yep, that’s right, the dog thought that we wanted to play with him so he started to chase us! Cezara, Rares and I screamed like some maniacs and started to run in the WHOLE park! An old woman looked at us like we were acting crazy (I think that was true!...Great!...) and we scared some squirrels in our way...Finally, the dog began to feel tired and stopped next to a bench to take a nap. Me and our friends hurried back to my house and we stayed together the whole afternoon. “Can you believe it? We’re almost just like in Greg’s situation. The only difference is that we have meat, not cheese!” Cezara said. “We’ll call it Meat Touch!” Rares said. “That’s right! But remember, we must be careful when we see the dog around! We don’t want to mess up like Greg, don’t we?” I said. Cezara and Rares nodded.
I called Vlad this evening to tell him about the news (yep, he’s still at his grandparents’). He was really surprised! “Wow, Meat Touch? A dog chasing after you? That’s great! Did the dog touch any of you?” Vlad asked. “Nope, but who knows what will happen those days...” I said. “I’ve got some news for you, too!” Vlad said excited. “Bad or good?” I asked. “I dunno, they might be bad because I think you’re gonna be a bit jealous (a bit?)...” Vlad said. There was silence for ten seconds...then Vlad shouted so loudly that I thought that he might destroy my poor ears: “I’M GOING TO TURKEY FOR A WEEK! ISN’T THIS EXCITING???”. I remained silently. WHAT??? Vlad is going to Turkey? Vlad is going in a holiday??? It’s not fair!!! I want to go in a holiday, too!!!...Er, hello? Is anybody there? Geez, looks like I yelled like a crazy girl, didn’t I?...
Dear Diary (oh, not again!),
Today, we went to the church. Just when we were about to leave, Miriam asked me with a loud and silly voice: “Have you pooped your pants, Teo?”. I was shocked! What was Miriam talking about? Was she nuts? After I looked on my pants, I realized that Miriam was right. But it wasn’t poop, I swear! It was brown marker!!! And I know exactly who did this!...Miriam, of course, who else? I don’t know why did she do this...Hmmmm, I think she wanted to teach me a lesson that I cheated yesterday at “Don’t be mad, brother!”...Mom and dad were mad! They didn’t know what to do. They wanted to go to church , but I didn’t want anymore...I couldn’t possibly go like THAT at church!!! But it wasn’t much time left to change my pants, so...I had to go like THAT!!!
It was HORRIBLE at the church!!! Everyone saw my pants and started to laugh...Sometimes, Miriam can be such a pest!!! The only person who believed me with the brown marker was my godmother, Raluca! She is the best person in the whole world!!! She always brings me cool presents and likes to talk with me. That’s why I LOVE her! We were sitting on a bench while I was telling the awful story... Raluca laughed a bit when I told her about Miriam’s question. Then, she said: “The next time, do the same thing to Miriam!”. I wish I could, but my parents would KILL me if I would ever to do something bad to Miriam...
Let’s just forget about this and let’s hear the good news! You will never guess what dad said!!! All right, I’m going to tell you...(take a deep breath, Teo...nice and easy...)...Okay, here we go: WE’RE GOING TO THE SEASIDE FOR AN ENTIRE MONTH!!! SUPER!!!
Dear Diary (I think I’m going nuts! Why can’t I just stop saying “Dear Diary”? Only little children say this!!!),
My summer holiday didn’t turn out so good, after all...The first problem was this one: in our hotel room, there was no TV!!! This is so awful! I wonder why the hotel has five stars, it should have three. The rest of the hotel was okay, it had a room with games for kids, a bar with juices and hot chocolate (yummy!), two swimming pools (one inside and the other one outside...I preferred the one which was outside...) and much more cool rooms. The only problem was the one with the TV...
The next thing is that I got a sunburn on the right hand! I don’t know how that happened, because I stayed in the water A LOT! All right, I made some sandcastles, too, but I stayed under an umbrella, so...The next thing is that my mom went to buy me an ice-cream. You’ll think that I’m crazy that I say that the ice-cream thing is a problem, but I’m not kidding! Mom made two BIG mistakes:
1. She called me “sweetie” right next to some older kids
2. She knows that I hate ice-creams (it’s not a joke) so I don’t know why she bought me ice-cream...
Many things happened, but I don’t want to talk about this anymore...The good thing is that I had fun at Vlad’s party at his house (he liked the present...I bought him a book about space from the seaside), but the bad thing is that...that...that I have the Meat Touch!!! Yep, I went yesterday with all my friends in the park (finally, a perfect Best Friends’ Club meeting) and I saw the dog coming closer and closer to ME!!! I wanted to run, but the dog jumped on me and touched me on my face with his nose (yuck!!!). Guess what happened next! Yep, you guessed, all my friends ran away from me! Great friends, indeed...
This summer didn’t turn out to be 100% perfectly, but I still enjoyed it a bit...Now I have to wait for the first day of school to get rid of the Meat Touch...But, wait, maybe I don’t have to wait until school begins...maybe I can give it to...you, dear reader. So...YOU HAVE THE MEAT TOUCH!!!
The End
Imi Place foarte mult!!!sa mai faci astfel de povesti!sunt super!!
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