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Showing posts from July, 2011

Angelina’s Diary - The Secret Cave by Teodora Leon

Dear Diary, Today is the first day of summer. In two weeks I’m going to be on holiday. I can’t wait! But I’m going to miss a bit Miss Lilly’s ballet lessons... Never mind, let’s get back to writing. Today, Alice and I had a secret club meeting in our Treetop Club. Alice was a bit late, but it didn’t matter. When she arrived, everything was ready: our pink and green pillows to sit on, two glasses of pink lemonade and two slices of Cheddar cheese pies (specially made it by mom, yummy!). Alice sat on her green pillow and got out from her blue bag with pink stripes some cheesy mints and also some cheesy pops (my favorites!). “So, what’s the big thing?” Alice asked, her mouth full of cheesy pops (disgusting!). “Well, I was just thinking: you know that every summer we go to the seaside with William, don’t you?” I said. “Of course, it’s such fun making sandcastles, swimming in the sea, collecting different types of shells...” Alice said, dreaming about the seaside. “Well, I decided to do this...


O buna parte a copilariei mele mi-am petrecut-o cu Bunicul. Cu Bunicul am invatat literele, foarte devreme, la 2 ani. Dintr-un dictionar... Bunicul meu il stia bine pe Eminescu sau, mai bine zis, cunostea foarte bine intreaga opera a poetului. De la Bunicul am aflat si eu despre Mihai Eminescu. In plimbarile noastre lungi prin Parcul Copou, langa care locuiesc, Bunicul mi-a aratat statuia si Teiul lui Eminescu. Mereu Bunicul imi vorbea despre poetul Mihai Eminescu, dar si despre prietenii lui, Ion Creanga si Veronica Micle, ale caror statui le-am gasit in Parcul Copou. Bunicul stia atat de multe lucruri despre ei! Tot in acea perioada Bunicul a inceput sa imi citeasca poezii de Mihai Eminescu. Mi-aduc aminte ca, desi nu intelegeam chiar tot, imi placea sa il aud pe Bunicul citind: “Naste luna argintie, Ea le scoate peste ape, Le intinde pe campie” (Craiasa din povesti) Uneori chiar adormeam la amiaza, in timp ce Bunicul imi citea din poezii: “Doar izvoarele suspina Pe can...

Teodora’s Wimpy Kid-ish Diary by Teodora Leon

Have you read the “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” books? Yes? Good for you, I’ve read them, too! I think that they are the best books ever! I like how Greg writes in his diary! And, you know what? I thought that it might be great to do my own diary and be kind of a wimpy kid, just like Greg! It will be just like in Do-It-Yourself book! P.S. Don’t panic when you see my pictures (I’m not so good at drawing...)! Let me just start by saying: Hi, my name is Teodora. I live in a house with my parents and with my little sister, Miriam. I like reading books and I have many friends! I just finished the 4th grade and, this autumn, I’ll be in the 5th grade! I don’t know if it’s true or not, but many children told me that it’s HORRIBLE in the 5th grade... But I think that sometimes, they exaggerate! Summer just started and I’m very bored... None of my friends called me to go out and play or do anything else... Vlad is at his grandparents’ house. I told him many times that if he’s not in the city, I’m very ...