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Showing posts from April, 2011

Vacanta de Paste

In aceasta vacanta a fost foarte frumos. De Florii, am mers la slujba de la biserica. M-am jucat cu Andrei si Miriam. Seara am mers la Sage. Cand am plecat, eu si Miri am vazut afara luna. Arata foarte frumos! Cel mai frumos a fost de Pasti. Am stat toata noaptea la slujba! Nu am fost deloc obosita! Si Miri a stat la slujba (ea a dormit, insa). Mi-a placut foarte mult la biserica! Cand m-am intors acasa, am primit cadourile de la mama si tata. Prima zi de Pasti am fost la bunici. Am primit cadouri si de la ei. In fiecare zi am mers la Mitropolie, la slujba, cu mama, tata si Miri. Au fost si Andrei, Codrin si Laura. Ieri am iesit cu bicicletele in parc. Ne-am plimbat cu bicicletele, iar dupa aceea am jucat ascunsa. A fost distractiv! Astazi am mers la British Council si am jucat cu Miri, Bowling, un joc care e mai tare decat Wii games. Prima data am castigat eu, a doua oara, Miriam. A fost frumos vacanta aceasta!

Rabby and the Huge Chocolate Egg by Teodora Leon

It was a wonderful day in Webkinz World. Everyone was preparing for Easter...The Webkinz and the Lil’ Kinz pets were preparing a special party to celebrate Easter, the Zumbuddies (and also the Zumbuddies Klips) were giving everyone the party invitations, the Kinz Klips were sewing Easter clothes and the Webkinz Figurines were preparing Easter games with Webkinz cards. Alice, Birdy, Cheetah, Daisy, Fishy, Fluffy, Kanga, Kitty, Lilly, Pretty Koala, Puffy, Rabby, Rainbow, Snow White and Sweetie, fifteen best friends, were so happy! They were looking forward to this wonderful Easter party! The King of Webkinz World decided that all the bunnies had to make a huge chocolate egg. “Rabby will be the leader of all the bunnies because she’s one-of-a-kind rabbit!” the King said. Rabby’s friends clapped and cheered. They were so proud to have such a wonderful friend. “Can you believe it? The King said that I’m one-of-a-kind rabbit!” Rabby said and jumped very high. Then she turned to the other rab...

Angelina's New Friends by Teodora Leon

It was a beautiful summer day in Chipping Cheddar. The sun was shining on the blue sky, the bees were buzzing, the colored butterflies were flying above the wonderful flowers and the birds were singing in the trees. Angelina and Alice were riding their bikes because they had to go to Miss Lilly’s ballet school. Miss Lilly had a surprise for her little mouselings! That’s why Angelina and Alice were so excited! The two best friends arrived just in time to Miss Lilly’s ballet school. Their friends, William, Flora, Felicity, Gracie and Vici were going inside the ballet school with Miss Lilly. Soon after that, Priscilla and Penelope Pinkpaws, the horrible twins, arrived. They were puffing and breathing hardly. All the mouselings were surprised. The Pinkpaws sisters were never late in a place! “You’re late, my darlinks! Quickly, put on your tutus and your ballet slippers and let’s start dancing!” Miss Lilly said, preparing the piano for Miss Quaver. Priscilla and Penelope were very upset. Th...

La multi ani, Cezara!

In aceasta seara, eu si Miri am mers la ziua Cezarei la Fun Fan Kids Club. A fost foarte frumos la petrecere! Am jucat multe jocuri (cel mai mult mi-au placut Gardianul si Limbo), am dansat hora, am cantat karaoke si am mancat pizza. Si Miri s-a simtit foarte bine! A jucat fotbal cu tata, s-a jucat intr-o casuta cu baloanele si cu surorile mai mici ale lui Rares, a sarit pe trambuline si a dansat cu mine. S-a distrat de minune! La sfarsitul petrecerii a fost adus tortul. Acesta era in forma de chitara! Toti i-am cantat Cezarei ,,La multi ani!” si, la un moment dat, dintr-un balon au iesit o multime de confetti! A fost extraordinar la petrecere! La multi ani, Cezara!

Acasa la Cezara

Aseara, eu si Miri am mers acasa la Cezi. In timp ce parintii nostri au vorbit intre ei, noi trei ne-am jucat. A fost asa de distractiv! Mai intai, ne-am jucat cu mingea, apoi am jucat ascunsa, prinsa si sticluta cu otrava. Dupa aceea am mers sa mancam pizza. A fost asa de buna! Cel mai mult mi-a placut cand eu si cu Cezi am jucat Monopoly. Miri s-a mai jucat cu papusile si Webkinzii Cezarei. La sfarsitul jocului, ne-am numarat banii de la Monopoly. Eu aveam cei mai multi bani! :D Inainte de a pleca acasa, ne-am jucat cu toti Webkinzii Cezarei si ne-am prefacut ca suntem trei surori care se jucau impreuna. Am fost asa de trista cand am plecat de la Cezi, dar sunt sigura ca o sa o ne mai vedem curand...Ne-am simtit atat de bine acasa la Cezi! Ma bucur sa am o prietena asa de buna ca ea!