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Showing posts from October, 2015

“Schimbarea” la Teatrul National din Iasi

Stagiunea curenta a Teatrului National a inceput cu piesa Schimbarea. Pentru mine a fost un eveniment cu atat mai important cu cat in aceasta piesa joaca si sora mea, Miriam. Actiunea piesei are loc in Europa de Est, unde sistemul judiciar este foarte strict si complet diferit fata de cel din Vest. Nu exista justitie sau procese, prin urmare oamenii considerati vinovati de catre sistem n-au dreptul sa se apere. Acestia sunt torturati si executati. Piesa incepe cu discutia dintre Condamnat (Ada Lupu) si Soldat (Doru Aftanasiu). Condamnatul refuza sa raspunda la intrebarea referitoare la motivul pentru care se afla la inchisoare. Cei doi vorbesc despre diverse stiri de actualitate si politica. In curand isi face aparitia si Sotia Condamnatului (Pusa Darie). Atmosfera sumbra de pana acum dispare, fiind inlocuita de momente umoristice (bataia dintre Sotie si Soldat, dialogul acestora). Intre timp, un ofiter responsabil de executii (Constantin Puscasu) prezinta masina de ...

Teodora’s Book Reviews: “Lilliput” by Sam Gayton (Andersen Press Ltd, London, 2013)

The title might remind you of “Gulliver’s Travels” by Jonathan Swift. These two stories have a few things in common. However, “Lilliput” is about Lily, a tiny Lilliputian girl, who goes on a big adventure. Gulliver’s unusual travels have proven to be only bedtime stories for children... until one day. The giant returns to Lilliput, finds Lily on the beach and takes her back to his house in London. The little girl hates Gulliver and all the other giants (or yahoos , as she calls them). She tries to escape a lot of times, but none of her plans work. Escape Plan Thirty-Three works a whole lot better than the others, though, as Lily manages to get out of a birdcage and fly away from Gulliver’s attic, using two bird feathers. The Lilliputian is finally free... But, unfortunately, her happiness doesn’t last for too long: “Gulliver saw his chance. With a desperate lunge he launched himself half out of the window. (...) Before Lily could wriggle free of the knots that tied her to the ...