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Showing posts from November, 2011

My Penguin’s Life on Club Penguin by Teodora Leon

Do you have an account on Club Penguin? You do? That’s good. I have one, too! I think that the Club Penguin website is the best! I really enjoy playing different games on my account. I haven’t heard of Club Penguin until a friend of mine told me about it. I decided that it would be cool to have an account, too! So, let’s start with the beginning: My penguin is pink. It has a silly name (I don’t want to say it!). When I made my account and had a tour of the Club Penguin World, it was really nice... I can’t remember the places that were presented to me and the other new penguins, but I know that they were (and they still are) really awesome! I remember it right: the tour guide told us at the end that there are a lot of personalities in Club Penguin. You might know them: Rockhopper, Sensei, DJ Cadence (my favorite!), Gary, Aunt Arctic, Rookie... There is also a famous Club Penguin Band. I haven’t met any of these personalities, but I wish I could... It would be great to have the free back...

Pendulul lui Foucault

Saptamana trecuta am mers la mama la universitate. Acolo mama mi-a aratat Pendulul lui Foucault, pe care l-am vazut si la Paris. Mi-a placut foarte mult! Am aflat si de ce pendulul se misca incetisor spre vest si spre est: arata ca Pamantul se invarte. A fost foarte frumos! Mi-am adus aminte de pendulul de la Paris pe care l-am vazut acum trei ani! Pendulul lui Foucault de la Paris se afla la Pantheon! :)

Cu Cezara in Gradina Botanica

Weekend-ul trecut am mers cu Cezara in Gradina Botanica. Ne-am simtit foarte bine! Am intrat in sere cu dovlecei de diverse forme si cu flori de toamna foarte colorate. Si afara era frumos! Ne-am bucurat de peisajul de toamna din Gradina Botanica! Cel mai tare a fost cand eu si cu Cezara ne-am prefacut ca suntem agenti. Ii urmaream pe parintii nostri si, in acelasi timp, ne ascundeam de ei. Eu si cu Cezara am devenit agenti profesionisti! :) Ma bucur ca am mers cu Cezara in Gradina Botanica! Abia astept sa mai iesim afara impreuna!