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Showing posts from January, 2011

My Birthday Party!

Yesterday, me, Vlad, Teodora, Andreea, Cezara and Rares had a great time at my birthday party! Let me tell you what we did: First we went to Cinema City to see Tangled. We laughed at every joke at the movie! After that, we had a Happy Meal. When we finished eating, we listened to some music on Youtube and played Monopoly. We had so much fun! Then my parents brought my birthday cake! It looked really great! I was happy that it was a chocolate cake! It was so good! Yummy!!! Pity that I didn’t get a cool cake from Stefana Budeanu…who could not make my cake this year! It would have been so great! Last year I had my best cake ever! Before my friends left, we told scary stories in the dark! My mom lit some candles and brought my tents in the room! Spooky, eh? I was sad when my friends left! But I had a GREAT time with them! P.S. I got wonderful presents from my friends! Thank you, all! I liked all of them, especially my Lil’ Kinz Poodle! I named her Snow White! Now I have five Lil’ Kinz! P.P...

Flynn Rider’s TOP Secret Diary (Not To Be Read By Anyone Else, But Me!!!) - A Horrible Week by Teodora Leon

Hi there, my name is Flynn Rider! Do you know me? I hope so…If you saw the story of my life (sorry, Rapunzel’s life), then I don’t have to explain what happened in the WHOLE film! But if you haven’t seen the film, go to Cinema City! Our adventures are really funny… Now…shall I present myself and my friends or tell you everything that happened during one of my HORRIBLE weeks?! Hmmmm, you’re right…So (drum roll) let me introduce all the characters I know (including me, of course!): Flynn Rider (that’s me!!!): I’m a handsome man, with brown hair and brown eyes. Most of the time I wear a blue jacket, brown pants and brown boots (ohhhh, how many times do I have to say “brown”?!). Maybe you will not believe me, but a long time ago I was a…no, not a prince…not even a married man!…Oh, my gosh, how did you guess? Have you read my mind?!…Yes, I was a…THIEF! But I enjoyed to steal important things like a…precious crown!!! I was working with the Stabbington brothers…until I left them all alone…Hey...

Andrei, bucatarul nostru pentru o zi

Andrei, verisorul meu, a avut ca tema la engleza sa prezinte o reteta si sa filmeze prepararea ei. El a hotarat sa prezinte cum face un sandwich. In filmul lui, eu si Miri am fost musafirii care trebuiau sa guste sandwich-urile facute de el. A fost foarte amuzant. Tot filmul Andrei a vorbit in engleza. Iata si filmuletul cu Andrei bucatar: Sandwich-urile au fost foarte bune! Andrei a fost un bucatar excelent astazi! P.S. Cand am facut filmul de proba, Miri a scapat pe jos painea data de Andrei! :)

Vacanta de iarna

In aceasta vacanta de iarna am facut foarte multe lucruri. Am iesit afara la zapada am vazut bradul cel mare din parcul Copou am sarbatorit Craciunul si Anul Nou m-am jucat alaturi de Miri cu Capsunica si Hello Kitty am jucat Monopoly cu mama si tata si am vazut eclipsa partiala. Pe 1 ianuarie am mers la biserica ,,Sfintii Trei Ierarhi”, la slujba. Cel mai mult mi-a placut la Craciun pentru ca am fost cu toata familia mea si am primit cadouri foarte frumoase! Mi-a placut si eclipsa partiala pentru ca a fost spectaculos cand luna a venit in fata soarelui. Dintodeauna am vrut sa vad asa ceva! M-am simtit foarte bine in vacanta! A fost foarte frumos! P.S. Am inceput sa citesc din ,,The Writer in Me”. Imi place foarte mult aceasta carte!