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Showing posts from April, 2010

In parc cu Vlad

Aseara, eu si cu Vlad am iesit in parc. Eu am iesit cu bicicleta, iar el, cu rolele. Vlad si-a adus si noul sau Webkinz: un furnicar. Il cheama Furni. Prima data, eu si cu Vlad ne-am dat, pe rand, de cateva ori cu bicicleta mea. Apoi am cautat cateva bete mari. Dupa aceea, ne-am gandit sa jucam ascunsa. Miriam ne-a ajutat pe amandoi sa ne gasim unul pe celalalt. Pentru a fi mai amuzant, eu si cu Vlad ne-am gandit sa lasam cateva indicii pentru a ne gasi. Eu mi-am luat frunze, iar Vlad, bete. Cand Vlad a inceput sa numere, eu m-am gandit sa ma ascund dupa o statuie. Daca erai aproape de statuie, puteai sa mergi in trei directii: inainte, la stanga si la dreapta. Statuia era inainte, asa ca eu am presarat frunze si in stanga si in dreapta pentru a-l deruta pe Vlad. Pentru a nu fi atat de greu, am pus si cateva frunze in fata statuii. A durat foarte mult pana m-a gasit Vlad! Vlad m-a derutat si el: el s-a ascuns dupa un copac care era in stanga, dar el a pus o sageata din cateva bete, car...

Ziua bunicii mele

Ieri a fost ziua bunicii mele si, impreuna cu parintii si sora mea, am fost la restaurant. Acolo au fost si matusa mea, Laura, si verisorul meu, Andrei. Codrin nu a putut sa vina. Am fost si cu Cheetah, noul meu Webkinz. Am mancat, iar dupa aceea am inceput sa ne jucam cu Andrei. Andrei se ascundea de Miriam. Dar Miri intodeauna il gasea rapid pe Andrei. Apoi, i-am aratat lui Miriam toate florile si tablourile din restaurant. Intodeauna imi place sa stau cu bunica pentru ca imi place de ea. Bunica are grija de noi cand suntem cu ea, se joaca cu noi, face glume... :)

Vacanta de primavara

Vacanta de primavara a fost foarte frumoasa. M-am jucat in parc cu sora mea. Ne-am plimbat cu bicicletele (ma rog, Miriam, cu tricicleta). De Pasti, am facut oua rosii impreuna cu tatal meu, iar Miriam s-a uitat la noi, curioasa. Am stat toata noaptea la slujba Invierii. Spre sfarsitul slujbei, a inceput sa mi se faca somn, dar am rezistat. Miriam a dormit toata slujba... Cand ne-am intors acasa, ne-am primit cadourile! Am primit doua carti cu Angelina ("Angelina Ballerina’s Dress-Up and Dance Show" si "Angelina’s Invitation to the Ballet"), un pix dragut cu Grohi (personajul meu preferat din desenul Winnie the Pooh) si un ou de ciocolata cu un breloc-vacuta. Miriam a primit personajele Mittens, Ruffy si Timmy, un pix cu Winnie si un ou cu Hello Kitty. Mi-au placut mult cadourile, mai ales cartile cu Angelina! Am foarte multe carti cu Angelina acum! :) La Golia, in zilele de Pasti, ne-am jucat si cu o pisica alba. Marti, Raluca a venit la noi. Mie mi-a adus o rochit...

Tinker Bell and the Concert by Teodora Leon

One day, TinkerBell was working in her workshop. Suddenly she heard a knock at the door. “Come in!” TinkerBell said and Silvermist entered. “Oh, Tink, I’ve got some great news! Me, Iridessa, Rosetta, Fawn and Becky are going to have a concert! Isn’t it great?” Silvermist said. “Oh, yes! I can’t wait to see the concert!” TinkerBell said, smiling. “Okay. Excuse me, but I have to go to practise with the other fairies!” Silvermist said. “No problem! But I was wondering if I could come too!” TinkerBell said. “Sure! Follow me!” Silvermist said, taking Tink with her. TinkerBell and Silvermist arrived just in time in the place where Silvermist was going to practise. Iridessa, Rosetta, Fawn and Becky were waiting. “Come on, girls, we can start!” Silvermist said, landing next to Becky. Iridessa was playing the flute. Rosetta was playing the drums and Fawn, the trumpet. Becky was playing the guitar and Silvermist was singing. While they were singing, TinkerBell was applauding and shouting: “Bra...

The Lost Treasure by Teodora Leon

One day, Puffy, Kanga and Lilly were playing with a ball. Soon, they saw Buldog and Zumy. "Hi, Buldog!” said Puffy. "Why are you sad?” Kanga asked. "I’m bored. I don’t know what to do!” Buldog said, sad. "You can play with us.” Kanga said. "We’re playing football." Lilly said. "Yeah…” Buldog said. But Zumy didn’t want to play football. "I want to play with my best friends: Lilly, Flora and Zumi!” he said. "Hey, I’ve got an idea! Follow me! You, Lilly, go to the other friends and tell them to come at my house!” Puffy said. Lilly flew quickly to Kitty, Linda, Zumi, Foxy, Unicorn, Naughty, Bishon, Pufi, Baghera, Flora, Tigrella and Bisy... When everybody was at Puffy’s house, Kanga started to talk: "Puffy is coming right now. He wants to tell you something amazing!” When Puffy came back, he said: "My very best friends, I decided to go on an expedition with you to find a magical treasure!” Everybody started to cheer. "But… wait, w...

The Stolen Seed by Teodora Leon

One day, Bloom and Stella went shopping. Bloom bought a blue T-shirt with purple stars on it and Stella bought a yellow dress with orange dots on. They went to pay the clothes and then, Stella saw some green earrings. "How beautiful! They’re perfect for my friend, Layla.” she said. "And this tiara is good for Flora. It is pink. Pink is Flora’s favorite color.” Bloom said. When they paid for the clothes and accessories, Musa and Tecna came to them. "Girls, we have a problem! Come quickly to school.” they said. They went to the bus station to catch a bus. When they arrived at their school, they saw Flora and Layla on a bench. Flora was holding a brown little squirrel. "What’s happening?” asked Stella. "Well, some minutes ago, this squirrel came to me and Layla to tell us something. Tell them, too!” said Flora. "Hello, my name is Linda. Me with my friends were living in a tree. One day, a storm came and destroyed that wonderful tree. One of my friends found a...