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Yellow Minions vs. Purple Minions by Miri and Teo

Kevin and Tom were two minions who worked for Gru. They were very good friends! They always worked together and helped each other. They rarely had fights (which was quite surprising, because minions always fought for a stupid reason). Everyone said that they were like brothers!
One day the yellow buddies were playing golf outside. “Come on, Kevin, pass me the ball!” Tom shouted. But the other minion didn’t answer. “The ball? Kevin?” Tom continued, but still there wasn’t any reply coming from his friend. “Holy gelato! Kevin, po ka is wrong with you? Are you bananas?” Tom shouted. “No, I’m alright, I was just wondering if... Well, do you think there are other minions out there?” Kevin said. “Huh, po ka do you mean? We’re all here! It’s just... us.” Tom replied. But he looked unsure. “How do you know? Come on, follow me.” Kevin said.
The two friends went to Gru and asked him the same question. They were quite surprised when they heard the answer: “Well, I made you guys a long time ago... There were hundreds of you... Thousands! Unfortunately, not all of you were good enough. The minions wanted to impress me, so they fought with each other by creating their own inventions. There were many minions who couldn’t do anything! So I got rid of them and kept only the smartest ones.” “So, where did the other minions go?” Kevin asked. “I have no idea. I don’t even know if they still live. If I’m not mistaken, when I freed the minions, they went to live under the ground...” Gru said. “Maybe we can still find them! Let’s go, Kevin!” Tom said.
The two minions left happily. When they were about to get out from the lab, they met Jerry.

“Bello, fellas! Where are you heading to?” he asked. “We’re going to explore the undergrounds! Other minions may be living there!” Kevin said. Jerry’s jaw dropped. “Macaroni, spaghetti, meatballs! Did you drink poisoned banana smoothie? Did you get hit in the head with Agnes’ fluffy unicorn? Po ka is the matter with you? You can’t go in the undergrounds!” Jerry started to shout, looking desperate. “Why not? It’s not dangerous or something like that...” Tom answered. “Oh, it is dangerous! Very, very dangerous! The minions who live there are crazy... and lazy! They don’t invent anything and they don’t even like bapples! If you’re going to them, then I’m coming with you! I have a gun, you know...” Jerry said, showing his big, green weapon. Kevin and Tom shrugged and said: “Okay, you can join us, but you don’t need that papoi...” But the little minion ignored them. The three friends stepped outside of the lab and went deeper and deeper... into “the butt of the beast”, like Jerry was saying.

It was quite dark under the ground, but luckily Kevin had a lantern with him. Suddenly, a strange noise came out from nowhere. “Po ka was that?” Jerry asked. His legs were shaking with fear. “I don’t know... But it’s important for us to stick togeth...” Tom said, but he couldn’t finish his sentence. Two strange purple creatures appeared right in front of them.

Tom, Kevin and Jerry screamed. The little “monsters” yelled even louder! The minions ran away, but after a while Kevin stopped. He turned around, looking for the purple creatures. He soon found them, hiding behind a rock. “Um... Bello! My name is Kevin! Who are you?” the minion asked. There was no answer. But after a few seconds, the two creatures came out from their hiding place. Kevin was astonished! They were not ordinary creatures... They were minions! Of course, they were different: they were purple, their hair was messier, they had bigger teeth and they wore black overalls. But their eyes were the same. Kevin looked at the two minions. They were both frightened... “Go away! Poopaye!” they said, approaching Kevin. “Please, wait! We don’t want to harm you! We’re minions... like you! We were created by the same person.” “Gru? Bah! That bald man with a pointy nose sent us away! He thought that we couldn’t invent a single thing... But he was wrong!” the first minion said. “Oh, so you do invent things! Can you show me where you live?” Kevin asked. “Only if you underwear that you won’t hurt us.” the second minion said. “I underwear!” Kevin said, crossing his heart. “Okay then! Oh, by the way, my name is Messy. I am called like that because I have the messiest hair. Don’t think of that football guy, Lionel Messi... And this is my best friend, Kampai. He likes the word cheers, you know.” Messy said. Kevin looked at the two friends and he thought of Tom. Where was he? He followed his new buddies. He was brought to a huge lab. There were lots of sophisticated weapons! “I can’t believe my eyes! You built all of these? Holy cheese and crackers! If Gru saw this, he would want you back immediately!” Kevin said. Messy and Kampai smiled. But their happiness didn’t last long... Tom and Jerry arrived in the lab as well. “Kevin! There you are! We’ve been looking for... Yikes! Purple monsters! Jerry, fire at them! Fire!” Tom shouted. “BEE-DO! BEE-DO! BEE-DO! BEE-DO!” Jerry said, getting his gun ready. “No, wait! Don’t fire anything! They are minions, not monsters!” Kevin said. He explained to his friends everything about the purple new friends. Tom and Jerry apologized for their behavior. Messy, Kampai and the other minions wanted to show Gru their inventions, so they took a few weapons with them and brought them to “the bald man”.
“Flamethrower? Mild Moose Tranquilizer Darts? Big Blaster Cannon? Rocket Launcher? Oh my gosh, these weapons are perfect! I just can’t believe that I sent you away! My humble apologies! You’re welcome back to my lab!” Gru said.
Yes, the minion family became wider... It was great seeing so many yellow and purple minions working together. There were no fights like in the past. And I know for sure that there were four best friends who always worked as a team: Kevin, Tom, Messy and Kampai. Cheers to them!
The End

P.S. If you don't understand a few "minion words", here's a photo that can help you... :)
