Everyone knows “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”. It’s an international bestseller, right? Well, have you ever heard of “Big Nate”? If the answer is “yes”, then good for you! If the answer is “no, then read this book review... To tell the truth, one of my favorite books is “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”! I have all the diaries... But I was wondering one day: are there any other books just like “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”? I soon found out... Yes, “Big Nate” was my next book to be put on My Top 10 Favorite Books! I know that everyone read “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”. Everyone knows what’s happening in Greg’s life. Well, to tell the truth, Nate’s life is almost similar with Greg’s. Meet Nate Wright, the boy with the biggest head in the world! Nate doesn’t know a lot of things (like which are the seven wonders of the ancient world or something else like that – “When I get out there in the real world, is anybody going to care whether or not I know who was vice president under Warren G. Harding? (And don’t try...