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My Club Penguin Sticker Album (Part Six)

The Club Penguin Band

Clap and cheer for the Club Penguin Band! G Billy (battery),

Petey K (accordion),

Stompin Bob (bass)

and Franky (keyboard)

give life to the island! Their annual concert on the Iceberg is one of the most important moments from the Music Jam, the biggest music festival on the island. Here are some animated pictures with them! :)

When they aren’t in tournaments on the Club Penguin Island, they have rehearsals or they look for new sounds.
- “Let’s make noise! Let’s ROCK!”

- G Billy never gets off his lucky bandana!

- Franky usually goes to old shops with old things to sell. He looks for old discs that can inspire him.

- The accordion is Petey K’s favorite instrument. But he can sing at any instrument, for an example, the kazoo!

- Stompin Bob spends his free time reading and writing songs.

P.S. Sometimes, the boys sing with DJ Cadence at their Music Jam concert. They sing so cool together! :) Here is an animated picture with them! :)

